Why do you like making soap?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2023
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Hello 🙋🏻‍♀️
If lye soap is harsh by nature, why do we love making it and even addicted to it!
1/ Does it give you the ability to be artistic and creative?
2/ Do you like the scientific side of it?
3/ Do you like the feeling on your skin and consider it the gentlest cleanser?
4/ Has it helped you treat skin problems?
5/ Do you like the element of surprise and adventure with every new recipe or addition and the never-ending path of experiments?6/ Do you like the idea of handicrafts and the idea of soap that will not pile up forever suits you because you will use it.
7/ Does the idea of everything natural from ingredients to scents excite you to turn it into a useful product?
Hello 🙋🏻‍♀️
If lye soap is harsh by nature, why do we love making it and even addicted to it!

My soap isn't harsh by nature? I'm not sure what you mean. I don't think anyone would be addicted to making it if they weren't able to make a nice soap?

1/ Does it give you the ability to be artistic and creative?
2/ Do you like the scientific side of it?
3/ Do you like the feeling on your skin
and consider it the gentlest cleanser?
Not necessarily
4/ Has it helped you treat skin problems?
5/ Do you like the element of surprise and adventure with every new recipe or addition and the never-ending path of experiments?
In beginning
6/ Do you like the idea of handicrafts
and the idea of soap that will not pile up forever suits you because you will use it.
Uh, what?
7/ Does the idea of everything natural from ingredients to scents excite you to turn it into a useful product?
My soap isn't harsh by nature? I'm not sure what you mean. I don't think anyone would be addicted to making it if they weren't able to make a nice soap?




Not necessarily


In beginning


Uh, what?

Well.. I mean there are solid and liquid cleansers that contain surfactants + moisturizers that are gentler than real soap on the face for example or very dry skin..The best recipe for me was without coconut oil and very little olive oil, I found that I can't tolerate these oils in soap, they dry me out.Yes, I can tolerate them in small amounts on my body but not my hands or face..

Uh, what?
I seem to have fallen into the trap 🙂↔️ Does it seem like an incomprehensible sentence? I am writing with Google Translate and maybe this is one of his creations 😅
Rephrased: The great thing about soap making is that you never have a lot of soap left over. It uses up a lot of soap.
I seem to have fallen into the trap 🙂↔️ Does it seem like an incomprehensible sentence? I am writing with Google Translate and maybe this is one of his creations 😅
Rephrased: The great thing about soap making is that you never have a lot of soap left over. It uses up a lot of soap.

Maybe it is Google's fault, because it still doesn't make sense to me. 😁

Soap making makes more soap. Soap making doesn't use up soap.

Do not be afraid to write in your own language here when you need to. We can use translate to figure it out on our end, too.
Well.. I mean there are solid and liquid cleansers that contain surfactants + moisturizers that are gentler than real soap on the face for example or very dry skin..The best recipe for me was without coconut oil and very little olive oil, I found that I can't tolerate these oils in soap, they dry me out.Yes, I can tolerate them in small amounts on my body but not my hands or face..

Every person will have a different experience. For some people, surfactants are more gentle and for some handmade soap is more gentle.
Hello 🙋🏻‍♀️
If lye soap is harsh by nature, why do we love making it and even addicted to it!
1/ Does it give you the ability to be artistic and creative?
2/ Do you like the scientific side of it?
3/ Do you like the feeling on your skin and consider it the gentlest cleanser?
4/ Has it helped you treat skin problems?
5/ Do you like the element of surprise and adventure with every new recipe or addition and the never-ending path of experiments?6/ Do you like the idea of handicrafts and the idea of soap that will not pile up forever suits you because you will use it.
7/ Does the idea of everything natural from ingredients to scents excite you to turn it into a useful product?
I am laughing, I find that creative people are creative no matter the means they use. Soap cleans and I like using different clays, etc. because it's really fun. Everybody likes something different. I have found in a short amount of time some like all natural, some like goats' milk, some just prefer fragrances, some just like how pretty soaps are. No soap has repaired any of my skin issues. However, Moringa oil directly on my skin has done wonders for my dry skin. I love the adventure of playing with soap calc to create an awesome bar of soap. I enjoy when people make requests for soap with pumice or special butters. I have an obsession with FO's & a few EO's. I literally had to cut myself off until 2025.
What I truly find sad, are all the Soap makers who use M&P, change FO's and sell soap @ 9.00 a bar. I work really hard to make beautiful, lovely bars of soap. The costs of oil & butters. The creativity & time. All of it, I always hold myself to high standards. Hope this helps you with your query.
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I am laughing, I find that creative people are creative no matter the means they use. Some of the Scientifics are really a pain in the arse. Soap cleans and I like using different clays, etc. because it's really fun. Everybody likes something different. I have found in a short amount of time some like all natural, some like goats' milk, some just prefer fragrances, some just like how pretty soaps are. No soap has repaired any of my skin issues. However, Moringa oil directly on my skin has done wonders for my dry skin. I love the adventure of playing with soap calc to create an awesome bar of soap. I enjoy when people make requests for soap with pumice or special butters. I have an obsession with FO's & a few EO's. I literally had to cut myself off until 2025.
What I truly find sad, are all the Soap makers who use M&P, change FO's and sell soap @ 9.00 a bar. I work really hard to make beautiful, lovely bars of soap. The costs of oil & butters. The creativity & time. All of it, I always hold myself to high standards. Hope this helps you with your query.
Inspired to try moringa oil in a moisturizing lotion bar that I will be making with the famous zing recipe 1/3 cup each of mango butter, beeswax and oil.. I will choose moringa to try

Oops, I believe the forum rules require posting in English.
I posted my last reply in Google Translate in English, before I saw your reply, because I found my reply in my language seemed contradictory when I translated it.
I seem to have fallen into the trap 🙂↔️ Does it seem like an incomprehensible sentence? I am writing with Google Translate and maybe this is one of his creations 😅
Rephrased: The great thing about soap making is that you never have a lot of soap left over. It uses up a lot of soap.
I believe this means: Do you like making soap because it is something you can use up, something that won't pile up and take up space (provided you have more self-control than I do). Things like knick-knacks or artwork just sit on a shelf and takes up space. It never gets used up.
I believe this means: Do you like making soap because it is something you can use up, something that won't pile up and take up space (provided you have more self-control than I do). Things like knick-knacks or artwork just sit on a shelf and takes up space. It never gets used up.
Thank you so much, that's exactly what I wanted to say You saved me 😁
I love it for the science and creativity. I'm still in the early experimental phase so I'm enjoying creating recipes, trying new ingredients, and playing with color techniques.
...something that won't pile up and take up space (provided you have more self-control than I do). Things likeThings like knick-knacks or artwork just sit on a shelf and takes up space. It never gets used up
I'm in the no self control group.🤣 I feel like I always have soap on hand taking up space and when it gets low more takes it place.
Schooner o' new thanks mate, stone the flamin' crows, fair suck of the sav....
Try putting this into Google translate and see what comes out! 😆

(For those that don't know - I just spoke some real Aussie slang).
You sound like Alf from home and away. Just said that myself this morning to dh (not)
Schooner o' new thanks mate, stone the flamin' crows, fair suck of the sav....
Try putting this into Google translate and see what comes out! 😆

(For those that don't know - I just spoke some real Aussie slang).
We had an American friend and we hosted her at our house and we talked a lot and even told jokes ! for hours..
and when she left
my dad said to me how did you communicate with each other?!
I said put two women together who want to talk to each other and nothing can stop them Yes yes our conversation was a little bit of our languages and a lot of signs and gestures and Google Translate too 😁
So I don't think that will hinder me I will be able to understand you and you will too 👍🏻

If I can't read it, it gets deleted. Post in English only.

I get it, if everyone spoke their own language there would be a lot of misunderstanding and chaos..
Hello 🙋🏻‍♀️
If lye soap is harsh by nature, why do we love making it and even addicted to it!
1/ Does it give you the ability to be artistic and creative?
Yes !
2/ Do you like the scientific side of it?
Yes !
3/ Do you like the feeling on your skin and consider it the gentlest cleanser?
Kind of. It is more that I like the feeling of showering woth something I mafe ly self and so being able to tell whate makes it the way it is. And I do try to make gentle soaps.
4/ Has it helped you treat skin problems?
I don't have skin problems.
5/ Do you like the element of surprise and adventure with every new recipe or addition and the never-ending path of experiments?
Yes ! I like that I can learn so many things also.
6/ Do you like the idea of handicrafts and the idea of soap that will not pile up forever suits you because you will use it.
Yes I like making something usefull that I can make and gift with confidence that it won't end being somethi anoying to store.
7/ Does the idea of everything natural from ingredients to scents excite you to turn it into a useful product?
Yes it does. And I like that I'm making something biodegradable that will not pollute our environnement. I don't think I would enjoy making soap otherwise.
Schooner o' new thanks mate, stone the flamin' crows, fair suck of the sav....
Try putting this into Google translate and see what comes out! 😆

(For those that don't know - I just spoke some real Aussie slang).
🥸🧐 ??

But not to worry, since @Relle apparently understands this stuff, you are in the clear! But now we need one of y'all to translate it for us non-Aussies. BTW, all of us are jealous bc our slang is nowhere near as cool as yours!!

my dad said to me how did you communicate with each other?!
I said put two women together who want to talk to each other and nothing can stop them
😄😄 So true!!

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