My new little slab mold, which has a silicone liner that feels a bit more draggy compared with my other silicone liners, also has a lot of edge area relative to volume. As a result of the dragginess and edginess, the batter at the sides is slowing down a bit more than I would like as it moves along the mold. This affects the design for some types of pours, e.g. a line pour. I can try using warmer and thinner batter, but both have their limits. Maybe adding a tiny bit more batter near the edges on each pour would help. I can also add a thin layer of batter on the bottom without affecting the design. I’m thinking about “greasing” the sides of the mold with a light oil as a possible way to reduce the friction. Will it help or cause problems? Short of spraying WD-40
, give me some ideas!
eta: I haven’t been warming the mold/liner, but will add that to the list of things to try.

eta: I haven’t been warming the mold/liner, but will add that to the list of things to try.
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