Free Tool - Soap and Candle Making Excel Spreadsheet

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Jul 19, 2023
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Hi Folks,

I've posted this before but I've updated the tool and I can't edit old posts to remove links to old versions. So, I'm starting this new thread and I'll include a link to my DropBox folder for downloads. That way the same link will work for any subsequent versions I upload.

What does the tool do?

Soap: Well I use it to design soap by varying the oils I use and seeing what the expected characteristics of the soap should be. Once I'm happy with a 'design' I move to the Recipe sheet and add fragrances and colours etc. Once the various fields are filled, and the tool knows the mould volume, proportions of oils etc. it will be able to work out the number of bars, cost of batch/bar, and a whole load of other useful stuff.

Changing the mould used will change the amount of oil and the tool with adjust everything for the new batch size.

Candles: I use it to keep track of what making a batch of candles costs as well as calculating how much wax/fragrance etc. I need for a batch of containers of specific sizes and numbers. E.g. 6 containers of "Container name" will require xxxg of wax and fragrance. It will also tell me what the pour weight of each candle should be.

Anyway, there's a lot more to it and the best way to get to grips with it is just to have some fun and give it a try.

If anyone does try this and enjoys it let me know how you got on. If you try it and have a problem, I'd like to help so let me know that too. I may be offline for a while over the coming months but I'll do what I can to help.

Here's the link again: DropBox Downloads

Thanks to everyone for all the help and support over the years. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.

Cheers, Grant