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New Member
Mar 3, 2025
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United Kingdom
Evening all from the UK.
I want to start making my own products (soaps, detergents, washes etc) and just do not know where to start.
I don't want to really use palm oil or animal oil.
It's a small project I want to trial - so what are the basics I need please!
I've looked at the kits but it doesn't seem the same as sourcing everything myself.
Thank you in advance.
@momma81 , do you want to start making your own products for yourself, family and friends or to sell.
In terms of selling, from watching I Dream In Soap videos, I know the UK has some pretty strict rules. You will need to do some research about that.

If you are making for yourself, a good place to start is the Lovely Greens website. The link is below, that site has information on all making all sorts of natural products, including all plant based soaps, etc.


I watched ALOT of youtube videos online before making my first soap.
Good luck! Keep us posted !
Hi and welcome. In addition to the recommendations above, I did a lot of reading and watching on Soap Queen/Brambleberry. That site was easy for me to understand when I was starting out.
When you start making - Start Simple - make several small test batches to see what your skin likes before you scale it up or go fancy. Can’t wait to see what you create. 🌸
Soap Queen/Brambleberry.
@momma81 , ditto on videos by Soap Queen on Brambleberry.
She was my first guru because she broke things down step by step (I thought.)

I've learned so much more on this site. Now, I'm a little bugged that she 1) uses glass measuring cups/bowls for her lye water and 2) never mentions the word "soapcalc." She gives recipes that are usually for 2-3 pounds of soap, and never suggests using soapcalc to verify the recipe when resizing.
@artemis , well, the concern is that her videos don't give information on how to resize a recipe.

When I made my first loaf (not a recipe of SoapQueen's) I cut if down by 1/2 or more. I manually did my own calculations and in that process, transposed numbers, made math errors - I couldn't even figure out what the heck I had done after the fact. If I had understood that I should run the recipe through soapcalc, it would have done the math, etc. for me. Her videos don't say "if you want to cut the recipe in half, go to my soap calculator and do x, y, z.

I think of SoapQueen's books as recipe books. If you follow rotely, you'll be fine. Overtime, you'll learn some things trial and error.
But, I don't think of her books as a resource to expand my knowledge of the soapmaking process. Her videos were still an enormous help to me. At one point, at about batch #4, I stopped grabbing random recipes off the internet and used her Lots of Lather recipe which she said was "tried and true" and which she said she teaches in all her beginner courses.

Soap Queen was a big help to me before making my first batch and before I found this forum.
So, I don't want to be overly critical of her videos. But as an important resource to many people, it seems careless to use glassware to mix lye water. And it seems like a big omission not to mention the importance of soapcalc (or her version of it.)

I hope I haven't said anything that is against soapforum policy :oops:
@artemis ,
But, I don't think of her books as a resource to expand my knowledge of the soapmaking process.

I don't, either, as I don't care for books as a source of knowledge for soaping. My point was merely that Bramble Berry makes more money off of books and kits than it does directing people to a free tool.
Hi and welcome. In addition to the recommendations above, I did a lot of reading and watching on Soap Queen/Brambleberry. That site was easy for me to understand when I was starting out.
When you start making - Start Simple - make several small test batches to see what your skin likes before you scale it up or go fancy. Can’t wait to see what you create. 🌸
The only admonition I would add is that in videos I have watched Soap Queen mixes her lye water in a glass container-do not do this! Even Pyrex will explode (ask me how I know). Get a juice pitcher from the Dollar Store (#4 or 5 plastic will work) and use that.
The only admonition I would add is that in videos I have watched Soap Queen mixes her lye water in a glass container-do not do this! Even Pyrex will explode (ask me how I know). Get a juice pitcher from the Dollar Store (#4 or 5 plastic will work) and use that.
@melinda48 -agreed,
once I learned on this forum of the dangers of lye water in glass, it shifted my perception of Soap Queen's videos just a little bit.
I realize that it may not be a huge likelihood that you will be the unfortunate person that has their glass bowl explode on them. But, we don't expect to get in a car crash every time we drive to the grocery store. Most people still put on their seatbelt- well and plus, I think its the law in most states. Such an easy risk to eliminate.
@momma81 welcome to the forum!
Basic items needed for cold process soap are:
Plastic smaller container for mixing lye water (about 1/2 liter)
Plastic pitcher for mixing soap batter (about 2 liters)
Spatula (multiple if using several colors)
Stick blender (not absolutely required but very helpful)
Stainless steel spoon for mixing lye water
Plastic or stainless small container for measuring lye (about 1/4 liters)
Digital scale
Containers for soap molds. This can be a box lined with freezer paper or small plastic containers (yogurt containers will work.
All of this can be the same equipment you use in your kitchen. There are folks who say the equipment has to be dedicated but lye is used in cooking (bagels) and as long as it’s washed properly it’s fine. Initially I thought I had to have dedicated equipment and found out here that’s just not true.
I agree with the recommendations for I Dream In soap and Brambleberry’ getting started videos.
I’m in the US so my terminology may not be the same as yours. If you have questions just ask. 😊