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  1. R

    Bentonite clay

    I made a shaving soap with bentonite clay... My friend has also been using on her son who has severe case of eczema and it has cleared it up.... I read it is also good for oily skin which is great as I have a couple of tween girls in the family... I hope you didnt mean the bentonite beads...
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    for the Beer Soap Experts

    I let the beer sit open for a week to go flat, then boil it down until it gets to about half the original quantity and put it into the freezer for at least 4 hours. I then take it outside and mix it out there. I slowly add the lye... I have never had anything go wrong, and no bubbles at all. I...
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    Boy, I love my job!!!!

    WOW :o The pumpkin pie looks delicious !!!!! Cant wait until I am talented enough to create something as beautiful as that !!
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    My new creations

    Thanks everyone :lol: The pink and black is my favourite too (happens to be my favourite colours) and smells edible, yummmm. For the alcohol, I let it sit opened on the bench for a week then boiled down till i go to about half the original volume and partially froze it. I didnt have anything...
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    My new creations

    I have been getting a little experimental :oops: Guinness soap Red Wine soap which has a reddish ring when cut which fills in after a few hours Ancient sedonia with black oxide colouring (which I think I didnt mix in too well) And finally my Black Rasberry & Vanilla, hopefully the...
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    First Bars and Questions

    The white spots could be the coconut milk ? I have noticed it acts differently for me in different weather.... Your soaps look awesome :!: I also agree that the "brownie" looks very appertising :lol: Might have to head off to the shop and get a chocolate fix now hehe....
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    Resin Necklaces????

    I make resin pieces... Allthough I get silicone, make my own moulds and cast the resin in that. All of the stuff I have brought has been via my fibreglass supplier. My sales rep has taught me heaps and am sure if you had a fibreglass supplier near by they might be able to point you in the right...
  8. R

    Temperature control for coconut milk and lye

    I used coconut milk with my first ever batch and most there after. I added the lye into the slushy coconut milk. It did look quite strange but mixed in very well to the oils. (I have read a false trace due to fats?) I am using the soap now and it is beautiful to use, and still milky white :lol:
  9. R

    Gelling Milk Soap ??

    I am the right chick to tell ya ;) I used cocnut milk that was almost completly frozen and used it in place of the did swell a bit but I have read that it is from the fat taking on a fake trace... (not too sure tho as i am still only new to this) And I didnt calc the fat in the...
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    Gelling Milk Soap ??

    Sorry if this has been posted before, i couldnt find a result on search... I have been making coconut milk soap for the last few months and now am thinking about gelling it... Has anyone had any experience with it before ?? If I was to gel do I need to wrap it with towels or would there be...
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    Need help for a special recipe

    2 months might be a very long time.. We are unsure of what the future holds at the moment. I will get onto making the other one stright away. Although I must get some sleep first :oops: Thanks heaps again... I am glad there are some recipes out there for it.. I know the treatments can have...
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    Need help for a special recipe

    Thanks... I am hoping that the strength she has in her will pull her through ! That would be awesome. Thanks heaps :!:
  13. R

    Need help for a special recipe

    the recipe i used was 4 oz CO 5 oz OO 5 oz PO 2 oz shea butter 0.6 oz castor oil 6.3 oz coconut milk 2.3 oz lye
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    Need help for a special recipe

    My mum was unfortunatly diagnosed with cancer a few days ago :( ... I have some soap to take to her in hospital but I was wondering if there is any kind of special recipe to make some really nice bars for her... She is such a beautiful lady (and also my best friend) and I think she deserves...
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    What's your song?

    I just got my wedding song lyrics tattoo'd on me :D Although I had to put my wedding off till next year due to mum being very ill... Nothing else matters by Metallica Luckily for me my big brother is a tattoo artist so he didnt charge me for the ink work :lol: I will let dad pick the...
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    I finally made some soap :D

    MagiaDellaLuna I am in Western Australia... I feel for the people out watching the soccer :( I bet the teams felt the chill (wouldnt have a clue who is playing soccer :oops: I only follow Rugby union) Hazel I used PVC pipe for the moulds. It was really easy to use !! I am quite happy...
  17. R

    I finally made some soap :D

    I did jump in head on :oops: i used half frozen coconut milk and half chilled from the fridge.. I would say being winter and very cold helped too !! The mix barely even heated up... The beer soap definatly does have a huge appeal to it from the guys... DH and brother in law can not wait to use...
  18. R

    How does this recipe look to you?

    Personally, I played around on soapcalc for a month.. When I first saw it I freaked out !! I use and it has an option at the top saying "learn" with soapcalc instructions on it ... Apart from that I cant be much more help sorry :oops: Paula...
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    I finally made some soap :D

    Sorry the photos are crappy... DH has my camera away at work with him for 2 weeks... All I had was a mobile phone.... Yes am definatly planning more... Want to try guinness next :D I hope drakkar does change to a darker brown as it is for the guys... Wine soap has crossed my mind but not...
  20. R

    I finally made some soap :D

    Hopefully this works (fingers crossed) :D Coconut Milk soap (batch 1) Beer soap Drakkar FO (batch 2) Coconut milk soap Warm vanilla sugar FO (batch 3) Shaving soap Saffron & Honey FO (batch 4)