Need help for a special recipe

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Active Member
Mar 8, 2010
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Western Australia
My mum was unfortunatly diagnosed with cancer a few days ago :( ... I have some soap to take to her in hospital but I was wondering if there is any kind of special recipe to make some really nice bars for her... She is such a beautiful lady (and also my best friend) and I think she deserves something a bit more special, but as a newbie at soap making I dont think I have the knowledge to make my own up yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated...
im sorry, what kind of recipe are you using presently? maybe adding some special butters, like almond butter, hemp or shea? i use those at about 10% or so.
RaeRae said:
My mum was unfortunatly diagnosed with cancer a few days ago :( ... I have some soap to take to her in hospital but I was wondering if there is any kind of special recipe to make some really nice bars for her... She is such a beautiful lady (and also my best friend) and I think she deserves something a bit more special, but as a newbie at soap making I dont think I have the knowledge to make my own up yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated...
Sorry to hear about your mum. Hope she enjoys a full recovery.
Have you made soap before? If you have a recipe that you already use, you may consider superfatting it with a butter or jojoba, or something of that nature. If you're really inexperienced, a completely foreign recipe might not be the most foolproof way to go, but you could always improve upon a tested recipe. :)
I am soooo sorry to hear about your mom! I have a book at home with recipes for cancer patients... I am at the playground right now with my little one.. As soon as I get home I will post them. I think I remember reading no fo's or eo's...
Jezzy said:
I am soooo sorry to hear about your mom! I have a book at home with recipes for cancer patients... I am at the playground right now with my little one.. As soon as I get home I will post them. I think I remember reading no fo's or eo's...
Thanks... I am hoping that the strength she has in her will pull her through ! That would be awesome. Thanks heaps :!:
She says importent is no fo or eo that you should keep the cleansing very low

Castor 25% 311.8g
CO 12%. 150.3g
OO 45%. 561.3g
PO 18%. 224.0g
h2o 425g
lye. 167.3g

there are more recipes too with infused sunflower oil with calendula & lavender that take at least 2 months to cure i will post that too if you want!
I would do hp so it doesn't have to cure so long! I think hemp would be a great oil to add too... It just wasnt in the recipe
2 months might be a very long time.. We are unsure of what the future holds at the moment. I will get onto making the other one stright away. Although I must get some sleep first :oops: Thanks heaps again... I am glad there are some recipes out there for it.. I know the treatments can have strange effects on some peoples bodys... I have to help in some way because at the moment I feel useless...
Regards... Paula
(((hugs)))Paula! I don't know if we are allowed to say the "p" word here but you and your mom have mine!!

I am sorry for this experience that you and your family are suffering from and I am sorry that you feel so useless. Just let me say, though, that one of the best helps I had, when I was told I had cancer, was when a friend just quietly put his arm around my shoulders. You are supporting and encouraging your mom by being with her. Sometimes we don't have to "do" anything to be very useful.

In answer to your question, the book I have says that rosehip oil has been found to be very useful for surgery scars and radiation burns.

Very Best to you and your mom,
Good thoughts and prayers go to your mother and you and your family. I agree with Jezzy that the cleansing and fragrances should be kept to a scent is better, I think, because when one has a serious illness, sometimes a hyper sensitivity to smells and foods and other things develops. In my case, when I was undergoing chemo for breast cancer, I simply could not tolerate the smell and taste of tuna and food from my favorite Mexican restaurant. Also fried foods.

I am sure that any soap you make and give to her will be imbued or wrapped with your love, like a prayer shawl, and will give her comfort knowing that you were thinking of her when you made it. <<BIG HUG>>