To all who responded, yes, I am extremely fortunate! I had posted awhile back how one of my family members works in a large distribution warehouse. They encourage the employees to take home expiring items, rather than tossing them in a landfill. When he spotted the OO, he asked my mom (who is Italian and a fantastic cook) if she wanted it. She couldn't use that much, so she asked me if I wanted it for soap.
I don't generally sell except for special requests from friends and family. But I do make a lot of donated products for our annual ladies' retreat, and annual Christmas luncheon. So I'm always looking for a bargain, or better yet, FREE. These six unopened bottles were stored in sealed dark bottles, in a sealed box, in a temp-controlled warehouse. YES PLEASE!
The stickler was figuring out how to get it home; shipping would be so expensive. Some family members who live near me will be driving through my parents’ area in late October. They had offered to put it in their car and drop it off to me, but that's another two months away. The light bulb finally went on that I could bring it on the plane as a checked bag, and that a folding hand cart would save my back from lugging it from curbside to ticket counter, and from baggage claim back to the curb. Worked like a charm!
Now that it's home, I'll make a whole bunch of ZNSB.
@Chaiat5 I wish it were a dedicated soaping room! It is actually my home office for my day job. Fortunately, that only requires a desk in one corner to hold my computer and printer. The rest of the room will be crammed full of stuff to make bath and body products, Cricut/paper crafts, home decor DIYs, and the like. I didn't realize just how much stuff I had, it was until it was all packed into boxes that are currently distributed throughout my house: a corner of the garage, a corner of another room being used as my temporary office, and two corners of our master bedroom.