Show ~n~ Tell Challenge - Soap Inspired by a Song From The Year You Were Born

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2012
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Um, yeah, the title of the thread kinda says it all :)

I made a soap inspired by the song "Midnight Blue" by Melissa Manchester (1975). I was going to try a zebra swirl but failed miserably. However, it was a successful use of tussah silk for the first time and CPOP as well. It was oily when it first came out of the mold, but it's perfect now! The scent is White Tea & Ginger because I like the unexpected (delicate scent with dramatic color)


Gorgeous blues!! Tell us more - did you use oxides?

One more time for all the old times .... Loved that song. :)
Gorgeous blues!! Tell us more - did you use oxides?

One more time for all the old times .... Loved that song. :)

Two different micas from The Conservatorie, along with some gel blue colorant when I couldn't get the dark blue that I wanted, and some activated charcoal for good measure. Couldn't duplicate it again if I tried!
I didn't see the challenge until now... I wonder if I can come up with anything with my *very* limited supplies, lol! Oh, and the "Midnight Blue" Soap is gorgeous.
That's beautiful! Did you scent it?

So far, my soap isn't behaving. The color was perfect in my opinion but they fell apart when I removed them from the mold. That's what I get for experimenting. I redid them yesterday and I'm hoping one stays together long enough so I can get a pic. :roll:
Wow! These are awesome! I love the colors in "Good Vibrations" and while I am not sure what the Energy scent is like, it certainly fits the soap and song :) "Tutti Fruiti" is wonderful as well; I love the way it looks like waves of blue and white with the embeds contrasting with sharp lines :) *cheers*

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