Yep, not far off from what the lady in the video Isg shared does!
My major difference is I use short grain rice and leave the rice in the water while its fermenting. I don't have a specific ratio, I'll pour the distilled water amount needed for a soap and add in no more than 1-2 tbsp of rinsed rice grains. I leave it on my counter for 2 days and strain it right into my go-to lye solution container. And yes, it does get stinky

I accidentally spilled some on my counter once and whew...
I don't know if fermented rice water vs normal rice water has a difference in the final soap beyond just label appeal, but there's something about the mindfulness of waiting a few days to make a soap that feels good. Plus, the strained stinky rice goes in my compost bin, which I'm sure is a nice treat for my bugs.