Zing’s Lotion Bars

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Jun 23, 2016
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I have a question @Zing…would the mango lotion bars be good for overall body care including faces?

I have been trying to find one complete body lotion so that i don’t have a bunch of lotions hanging around ie. one for face, one for body, one for hands.

Also, didn’t know where to out this thread so i could get some answers so plunked it here 😬 Moved
Sorry for my late response. For some reason, I did not get a notification. @Gaisy59 , sometimes you have to be careful putting punctuation immediately after a member's name.

Anyhoo, I do use my lotion bars on my scalp but personally find it challenging to use on my face. I do know one bud uses it on his face daily and raves about it.

Make a small batch and try it and keep me posted!
I did not realize about the punctuation. Thanks for letting me know. I did think it was weird that the @Zing didn’t change color, and it did it again! What am i doing wrong.

Also, thanks for the info 🙏. I have submitted an order and will make the lotion bar and hopefully i will be able to use it on my face. Every lotion i try seems to be animal tested which is sad in this day and age.