How are you offsetting the cost of Olive Oil?

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@MelissaG I can’t remember - do you gel your soap?
Most of the time, I just have to leave it in the kitchen and that will take care of that lol. It's the warmest part of the house and I've had issues with slight volcanoing before because of it but not enough to significantly matter. I've never been able to understand how people can gel it so easily and not get cracking on the top of their soap.
I've had issues with slight volcanoing before because of it but not enough to significantly matter. I've never been able to understand how people can gel it so easily and not get cracking on the top of their soap.
Me, too and me, too, @MelissaG ! I make GMS and I’ve had it get really hot and crack once just sitting on the counter, and it wasn’t even hot in the kitchen. I have now been consistently putting my molds up on cans and putting the fan on it for several hours. I am just too scared to wrap it or put it on a heating pad.
Most of the time, I just have to leave it in the kitchen and that will take care of that lol. It's the warmest part of the house and I've had issues with slight volcanoing before because of it but not enough to significantly matter. I've never been able to understand how people can gel it so easily and not get cracking on the top of their soap.
I don’t know, then why you have problems with your soap sticking to your silicone mold. If my soaps gel, I can unmolding them easily once they are cool.
I don’t know, then why you have problems with your soap sticking to your silicone mold. If my soaps gel, I can unmolding them easily once they are cool.
Me either but I think it has something to do with the humidity. I make my product in my dining room which is the furthest place away from the AC. It also gets to be the hottest area in the house so I can't work there during the heat of the day. I have a 1540 sq ft house. Air conditioning is great at controlling humidity. Usually. I've been considering getting a window unit I can turn on when I'm working. Really wish I could afford a good humidifier that will decrease or increase depending on whats needed at the time but wow those are expensive. The can get a window unit ac for a quarter of the price.
I e been experimenting with high oleic sunflower oil and/or lard and tallow. I’ve been getting some really good bars!! I actually like them better than the ones I’ve made with OO. 🤷🏽‍♀️
My best selling soap was 40%tallow 20% lard 15-20% HO Canola or Sunflower Castor and PKO/CO Split
I’ve just been avoiding purchasing any olive oil, but something just fell into my lap. One of my family members works at a large warehouse. Employees are encouraged to take any food that has passed its best-by date before the warehouse throws it out. He just gave my mom 10 gallons of a very expensive extra-virgin olive oil that is technically expired, but has been stored in a temperature controlled location.

She asked me if I would like any of it for soaping. I don’t personally like OO soaps, but some of my users do. I will probably make a whole bunch of them at once, so I can use up the oil, and let them cure for a good long time.
I’ve just been avoiding purchasing any olive oil, but something just fell into my lap. One of my family members works at a large warehouse. Employees are encouraged to take any food that has passed its best-by date before the warehouse throws it out. He just gave my mom 10 gallons of a very expensive extra-virgin olive oil that is technically expired, but has been stored in a temperature controlled location.

She asked me if I would like any of it for soaping. I don’t personally like OO soaps, but some of my users do. I will probably make a whole bunch of them at once, so I can use up the oil, and let them cure for a good long time.
Wow, talk about lucky. Congrats.
Maybe there is variability in the FA profiles of different high oleic sunflower oils - I love how my soap has been coming out, I don’t think it’s any softer and it soaps beautifully. Traces more slowly than olive oil, and I’ve had less soda ash. I can’t afford olive oil. I have cocoa butter and Shea butter in my recipe, I think that helps.
I almost feel guilty - it is such a score! I wish some of you who regularly use OO were closer - I’d share!
Me too. It's so expensive. Think I'd feel guilty too lol. But you have fun with it. There's lots of things you can do. You might like to consider making some bastille or castille soap. They take a long time to cure and it would be really expensive to buy all that olive oil right now.

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