Experience of anorexic dog? Anyone?

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When my littlist aussie had pancreatitis, eating was an issue. I took the wet prescription food, cut it into small disks and baked them. She found them more palatable that way. I only let her eat 1/2 to a whole patty (think breakfast sausage patty size) at a time and waited a couple hours for that to digest before making another. If she ate more, it didn't stay down in she experienced pain which kept her from trying again for some time. If you have dry food, you can break it down in the blender with a bit of water to make a paste to form patties. Just an idea.
Thoughts are with you.
Just ideas, (but I'm thinking like a cat owner)

Change the bowl to a glass, metal, or ceramic dish that doesn't retain odor. (plastic does)

Have more than 1 bowl in the house.

Put one on a raised platform so he doesn't have to lower his head to drink.

Keep the vets informed.

Can someone stay with him while you go out for an hour or two? You'll worry less if someone is there.

Also, if you're quite anxious and stressed - Buster knows it too and can stress him. Deep breathing girl, use or do something that helps you de stress - *you have to take care of yourself in order to take care of Buster.*

Think of how you feel when you're surrounded by someone who's stressed.
I've tried every bowl we have and he will not drink in the house - he will outside??

I guess for now I will just have to let him do his thing cos drinking is too important to not happen.

I'm also adding extra water to his chicken and rice so he gets extra fluid and have also added some pureed sweet potato to his meal tonight (pureed with the water it cooked in) so he's getting moisture from there too
Sonya you probably tried to give him drink in your palm, When my dog did not drink (sick) I put my hands into bowl and cupped water they usually started to drink. I always think they try hard to satisfy us........
Sonya, who knows what goes on in a dog's head and why they suddenly won't do something that they always did before without any problem. It's baffling, but the important thing is he is drinking water somewhere and eating on his own. That is huge considering what you have just gone through. Hopefully, when he gets back to normal he will decide that drinking water inside is just fine.
Had to have bloods done today vet doesn't think they can do anymore for him. His blood levels have shot up to over 50, around 7 is normal and the highest his have been before now was 23. He's told me to bring him home for few days and just feed him anything he will eat. He said they could do fluid therapy again but that he feels this would keep happening. I'm going to have to take him to be put to sleep. I don't think I can do it. I came in tonight and he ate loads of chicken and rice then played with his toys - he was happy, I can't believe he's this sick when he's still eating and playing.
Oh, Sonja, so sorry, so damn sorry
I'm sorry to hear that. Perhaps you could let him eat what he will and enjoy the last few moments with him. When that time comes, do right by the dog. It is your decision ultimately but I really think you may want to let him get his last bouts of playtime out while you make your decision.
Yep he can eat whatever he wants and we're off to the beach tomorrow as he loves going, always turns into a puppy again at the beach. I will buy him ice cream and let him run on the sand.
I am truly heartbroken for you Sonya. The decision you have to make is one of the most difficult in life. When faced with this I always go back to this; the dog has given us unconditional love and so much happiness, and they deserve for decisions to be made in their best interest. I wish I could give you an in-person hug. A virtual one will have to do.
Sonya, I am so sorry for what you are going through. I think I understand how you must be feeling right now. I just recently went through this with Shredder. It is the hardest decision in the world to make. Two things helped me to grieve. One, I made a tribute to her on my Facebook page. It was for my comfort, and mine alone. However, by putting it out in so public a format, it proved that she was real and had an impact on my life, and it helped others who were grieving over their loss to see they weren't alone. Second, I read this story (http://weruletheinternet.com/2011/05/24/a-dogs-purpose-according-to-a-6-year-old/) and it made an immense impact on me. The truth is so clear and plain that we adults so often fail to see it. Sometimes, it takes the wisdom of a child to remind us of this simple fact. I got my first dog when I was 18 months old. His name was Mickey. He died when I was 13 years old. I have a statue of him in my living room. I have had many dogs and cats since then. I've loved and cherished every one of them. Each one is special in his or her own way. None can ever be replaced. However, my house isn't a home without fur flying and paws pattering. I hope someday you are able to open your heart and home to another pet in need of love and shelter. But if you cannot, at least you have known the unconditional love of one special and lucky dog. I'm sorry there is not a better outcome for Buster. We were all hoping and praying there was. Enjoy and cherish your remaining time together.
My heart breaks for you. Truly. This is probably the most difficult thing you have ever had to do. Enjoy your time together, but don't put off that last task too long, lest he start hurting again.
the ending of his life, just awful, It is one of the hardest decision to make, and you are with it completely alone. I was, with house full of people, they thought i am crazy........ eh. He will tell you when is time Sonya, he will . My heart goes to you and this suffering doggy..............I am soo sorry
I'm so sorry! Losing a pet (who is a very real member of the family) is incredibly hard. Having to make that choice for them is so much harder. I hope you and Buster have a brilliant day at the beach! Sending you lots of hugs from NZ.
I'm sorry Sonya. Will your vet make a house call for this so he can be at peace in a familiar place?
Sonya, I can't tell you how heartbroken I am for you. As all pet owners know, we've had to face this decision. Don't make the decision to euthanize this moment. Since he's eating and playing, give it time. You'll know when the time is right to do it. If he's feeling well and playing, let the decision rest until he's not. That might be hours or weeks. The one thing Buster knows is how much you love him so that's what's important to focus on. God gives us pets for their whole life, but only part of ours. It's so hard to let them go but I've always found comfort in "all dogs go to heaven". Their hearts are so pure and good, it has to be true.

My prayers & virtual hugs are with you. :angel:

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