Ok but let just tell you that you asked for the list
- Teegan, dog, m, 22months, half pitbull, half ? (my baby. Had him since he was 7 weeks old, taken away from momma too young and the lady didn't want him anymore. We were his 3rd home at 7weeks!! Poor baby.)
- Phoebe, dog, f, 13months, pitbull (big puppy still at this point in time but a sweetheart)
- Isis, cat, f, 9yo, had her for 2.5. (found her on my doorstep!) "Miss Cranky Pants". Has asthma but not on meds at this time (yay!)
- Gabriel, cat, m, 7yo, had him for 3. Found running around with a feral colony.
- Sephiroth aka "Sephie",cat, m, 3.5, had him since he was 8 weeks old. Found outside by kids, was living in the storm drain. (he was our very first animal)
- Orion aka "little hunter",cat, m, 2.5 yo. Found on the streets with mom and sibs.
- Rachel,cat, f, 2?, rescued from the pound by a cop who couldn't/wouldn't seperate her dogs and cats and the dogs went ape. Sposed to be a temp situation (right, i knew from the start she was here to stay..don't tell hubby!)
-Wesley and Buttercup (2 boys but we thought buttercup was a male until he molted). Gray cockatiels. Ages unknown except buttercup must be around 4 since molting is around 1.
-Coconut, f, lutino cockatiel, almost 3. I got her from a breeder/acquaintance (i know bad bad.) She's also my baby.
- Dixie, 6, gray cockatiel, m. Got him from a college student moving and unable to care for him. He's my sweetie but has been plucking but it's getting better.
- SoAnna, 2?, m, gray cockatiel...also thought it was a female until the molt.
- Cochice, 3?, m, pied (and something else) cockatiel. (rescued with SoAnna)
- Topaz: almost 2, dutch blue lovebird. Rescued when he was 10 weeks I think it was. Still hates hands from being manhandled and grabbed all the time by people.
- Princess, russian tortoise, 2-3ish? Kiddo's tortoise and she's aware she'll have her probably for the rest of her life.
- Spring "cottontail", rabbit, white blanc de hotot. 3-4ish? Got the last 2 at the petstore (shame shame I know but at the time the rabbit rescues were way too far away for me to drive.)
2 fish tanks currently empty because we lost everything when we lost power for 3 days during an ice storm in 2007
I think I got it all so there you have it, my zoo and yes my middle name is "pooper scooper".
A few pics. I love animals
Here is Sephie, Rachel, and Orion from top to bottom.
Isis gained a lot of weight on the steroids. This is when we first got her. She's lost some but has a little ways to go yet. (she's the grey one)
It's very hard to get them all to be in the same area and sit still but here we go
This is Topaz:
Bad cell phone pic and Phoebe has a leash cause the girl wasn't quite potty trained and would sneak off on me.
I have a pic of the tortoise somewhere but i can't find it.
This was Phoebs when we adopted her
Here they are just several weeks ago. Teegan has a birth defect and has a nub instead of a tail.
So that was a lot of pictures and I hope that was ok and now I feel totally exposed. I love animals and could talk about them all day long

(heck that's why i'm a zoology major)
Are you sorry you asked??