Boom recommendation for intermediate soap making with all natural colorants

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Jul 1, 2024
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Hello again, thank you all for the expert advise. I have made every recipe in Kelly Cables Natural soap making for beginners and Jan Berry Simple and Natural Soap book. I feel I am ready to take my soap making to the next level as far as colorants and designs and new recipes. Can anyone recommend a more advanced soap making book using all natural colorants, no oxides?
@Paulaenos I'm impressed! That is really disciplined of you to go through and systematically make all soaps in the books!
I got some books from the library. I read them but as far as making the soaps, most of them didn't speak to me. Plus, I've been trying to stick to one recipe and only making small changes as I try different fragrances, colorants, exfoliants, etc. Otherwise, if I mess it up, I won't know how to figure out what went wrong.

If you were comfortable not working from a book, you could think of the property/ characteristic that you think you'd like in soap. So, would it be the color or the scent or property (like calming). Then google around and see what spice, clay, flower, herb or essential oil would get you there.

I assume Jan Berry's books have more than is on her Nerdy Wife website. But, she has information about natural colorants. Tanya Anderson's, Lovely Greens website has a ton of information about natural colorants.'

Good luck find a resource that you really like!
As a person who never used a book, I think your next step is to start playing with a lye calculator and make your own recipes. Start by putting one of the book recipes into a calculator and then tweak it.

When I started incorporating colors and making swirls, I had already found this forum and the posts here became the "book" I learned from. For instruction on swirling technique, YouTube is the "book" I used.
@Paulaenos I would recommend opening your pantry and having a look if you have any sweet paprika (infuse in oil), annatto seeds (infuse in oil), cocoa powder, (rehydrate to a paste with just off the boil hot water), spinach powder (rehydrate to a paste with just off the boil hot water) or any green vegetable/herb powder for smoothies and start there. Dont spend any money whilst you learn how it all works

30g of paprika for example into the oil that you use the most in your recipe ie I use olive oil at 50% of my recipe so I use 30g of paprika to 450ml of olive oil. Make sure you use a light coloured not a dark green evoo as some colors find it hard work to overtake the green and you can at times end up with baby poo brown or grey.

I dont like heat infusions but many soapers do.

As I use a high percentage of olive oil I start when experimenting with a new to me color by using 15% of the 50% that I use ie 15% infused olive oil and 35% plain = 50% in my recipe. If I want a darker color the next time I use a higher percentage ie 30% and if I want it lighter I will go down to 10%.

Take notes and gel your soap. Plants like heat to bring out their best magic.

Good luck on your journey. I only use plants to color my soap and its the most fun ever - yes it can be frustrating but that is the challenge you just never quite know what you will get

any questions just tag me or there are plenty of other soapers here that will help.
