are shampoo bars difficult?

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Thank you! But how are they made if they do not involve lye? That is what confuses me, lol.
These shampoo bars are made with synthetic detergents (sydnets). They are not true soap, as that is defined.

True soap is made by saponification of lye mixed with fats/oils. Syndets are lab-produced through a different chemical process.
...The best and easiest shampoo bar I have found to make and use is one I found on UTUBE by Marie @ “Humblebee and Me”. A video called “my easiest shampoo bar yet”....

Here's a link:


I see Marie uses cocamidopropyl betaine (CAPB) in her formulation, which will be fine to use for most people. It's used in a wide variety of products with good results.

But I recently learned CAPB can trigger contact dermatitis in a small but significant percentage of people ("...diagnosis rate of 6% in an Australian population of individuals suspected to have allergic contact dermatitis...." * )

So if you have sensitive skin or are prone to allergic reactions, you might want to do a patch test with CAPB first -- see if your skin reacts to this detergent. If you do see a reaction, it would be wise to substitute another mild liquid surfactant for the CAPB.

This is anecdata, but regarding CAPB:

I've got extra sensitive skin, eczema, dermatitis, rosacea etc, and CAPB doesn't bother me.

Reactions can vary widely, so be aware, but note that other liquid surfs can be irritating too, like glucosides.