I've been going back through old posts and read some pretty scary stuff about CP shampoo bars
I haven't used a commercial shampoo or conditioner since I started on soap making about 4 years ago. In fact that was the main reason I got back into soaping... my supply had almost run out. I've never had any issues at all, my hair is thick and healthy. My hairdresser knows that I only use my soap and I often ask him about the condition of my hair and he always says.... "whatever you're doing, keep doing it...!"
Now, this is going to date me....but I can remember a time when there was no such thing as shampoo, let alone conditioner! We had Velvet soap in the laundry and Palmolive in the bathroom and that was it ! So the Palmolive was always used on our hair ! This is why I've never been concerned at all about using my own.
I used to make what I called a shampoo bar, but that ran out so I just used the first soap I grabbed, not having a clue what was in it. I was initially spritzing my wet hair with 50/50 apple cider vinegar & water... but found it made my hair a bit oily so I stopped.
Now, I'm in panic mode as I've been using my new soaps (3-4 weeks curing) and I've noticed my hair breaking !! This is when I got onto the forum and researched.... and as I said "scary stuff" out there ! Maybe it's because my soap is too fresh... I hope so. But I am worried... devastated in fact because I don't want to use store bought shampoo ever again... but it look likes I might have toExpert advice would be greatly appreciated.
Btw, I have found Genny's Shampoo bar recipe so I intend to try that.... before I give up!
What should I look for as far as ingredients for shampoo and conditioner bars? I've been thinking about making my own. My hair has gotten so so dry over the last year, and no store bought conditioner I've tried has helped, so I'm wondering if I formulate my own if it would work better.