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Why did this Energizing EO & FO blend practically eat my silicone mats?
In December 2024, I bought Energizing EO & FO from WSP when it was on sale. It said it was 93% sweet orange and spicey ginger EO. So, what's not to like about that? I did a fragrance test with it on February 8. Although IFRa said it was safe up to 58%, I used only 6%. But, I accidently knocked over the bottle on my counter. Thank goodness, my order was sent in small 2 oz bottles because even though I grabbed and uprighted the little bottle as quickly as possible, I suspect I spilled at least an ounce.
I cover my kitchen counter with silicone mats when I soap. I gathered up the silicone mats and poured the excess liquid down the sink and rinsed off the mats before tossing them on my back porch. After washing my counter, I continued newspaper covering. Although I did this all pretty fast, my silicone mats are all mis shapen with big waves and divets and are unusable.
I've had orange EO and lemon EO disintegrate styrofoam cups when doing M&P. But, I was pretty stunned by the effect of this EO&FO blend on silicone. I looked at the EU allergen sheet to see just what the heck exactly is in this EO&FO blend. It says it is 86% limonene. I looked up limonene. According to AI, it is "a naturally occurring hydrocarbon compound found primarily in the peels of citrus fruits, such as lemons, oranges, and limes. It is a colorless, fragrant liquid that belongs to the class of chemicals known as terpenes.
Is this normal? Is silicone pretty vulnerable or do you think there is something wrong with this EO/FO?
In December 2024, I bought Energizing EO & FO from WSP when it was on sale. It said it was 93% sweet orange and spicey ginger EO. So, what's not to like about that? I did a fragrance test with it on February 8. Although IFRa said it was safe up to 58%, I used only 6%. But, I accidently knocked over the bottle on my counter. Thank goodness, my order was sent in small 2 oz bottles because even though I grabbed and uprighted the little bottle as quickly as possible, I suspect I spilled at least an ounce.
I cover my kitchen counter with silicone mats when I soap. I gathered up the silicone mats and poured the excess liquid down the sink and rinsed off the mats before tossing them on my back porch. After washing my counter, I continued newspaper covering. Although I did this all pretty fast, my silicone mats are all mis shapen with big waves and divets and are unusable.
I've had orange EO and lemon EO disintegrate styrofoam cups when doing M&P. But, I was pretty stunned by the effect of this EO&FO blend on silicone. I looked at the EU allergen sheet to see just what the heck exactly is in this EO&FO blend. It says it is 86% limonene. I looked up limonene. According to AI, it is "a naturally occurring hydrocarbon compound found primarily in the peels of citrus fruits, such as lemons, oranges, and limes. It is a colorless, fragrant liquid that belongs to the class of chemicals known as terpenes.
Is this normal? Is silicone pretty vulnerable or do you think there is something wrong with this EO/FO?