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  1. tryanything

    Smelly castor oil!

    Or at a local health food store. You can usually get it in larger quantities there, or at least I did. I used to get 8 or 16 oz bottles from a health food store, and that was when I was living in podunkville! Now I just buy on line (way cheaper!) but if you need some quickly, health food...
  2. tryanything

    Discounting Coconut Milk?

    What do you mean by discounting coconut milk?
  3. tryanything

    What Apps/books do you have on your Apple device for Soap Making?

    Nope. I just lug my laptop into the kitchen when soapmaking. Probably not the best practice but I like having multiple things running - SM3, this and other forums, and if it's going to be a long process (liquid soap) then Netflix!
  4. tryanything

    Milk differences

    Darn it, my Milk Soapmaking book is still boxed up somewhere, otherwise I'd take a quick peak and let you know what it says. Me personally, I haven't noticed anything different between the milks I've used (coconut, goat & buttermilk). Overall milk soaps are creamy-er and have a lovely lather...
  5. tryanything

    Yogurt Soap

    Brambleberry actually has a FO calculator you can use. Although in contrast to what heartsong said (though I normally would totally agree) I went heavy with a wild mountain honey FO because I thought it would be a more delicate scent and holy cow is that now overwhelming! Still a nice scent...
  6. tryanything

    First Batch Success

    I don't know what happened with your shea butter. I've never had a problem with it fully melting. Usually the one that is really hard for me is coco butter (that is rock hard at room temp!). Regarding cutting you can get a mitre box cheap at a local hardware store. That is what I use when...
  7. tryanything

    Goat milk+NaOH=creamy texture

    Oh yeah. Any milk I use does that: buttermilk, goats milk, coconut milk, etc. From my understanding, it's saponifying the fats in the milk but as you said, doesn't seem to affect the soap overall.
  8. tryanything

    Need help! 100% Coconut Oil Soap For Laundry

    I don't use phenolphthalein. I zap tested mine (knowing I would most likely get zapped) and was surprised when I didn't. I guess what they say about NaOH being not 100% pure is true. Anyway, I grated the next day no problem and didn't wear gloves, though I probably should have. My hands...
  9. tryanything

    Need help! 100% Coconut Oil Soap For Laundry

    I'm sure it's fine. I made some last night for laundry powder also. It didn't seem to set up as fast as when I make salt bars either. I left it on the counter overnight and they were hard by morning. I still used my individual molds so I didn't have to worry about cutting them. And my food...
  10. tryanything

    Very first batch of soap, cut pics

    Wow! Pretty and very ambitious for your first batch. I can see both the neapolitan and the bacon!
  11. tryanything

    Soap Mold Attempt Failure

    Oh yeah I had an epic failure with trying to make a small 2 pound log mold and I wasn't even using a hard wood. I am mechanically inclined but I guess that doesn't extend to woodworking. :D I would love to see a video also. My husband is getting into woodworking. With the help of his...
  12. tryanything

    What are your perfect soapcalc numbers?

    Two of my favorite bars have skewed numbers on soapcalc so yeah, I don't really go by that. Castile bars with buttermilk are fabulous after a good year or so of cure and I absolutely love my 100% CO/Cocount milk salt bars (with like 20% superfat).
  13. tryanything

    Do you insulate milk soap??

    I use individual molds (the BB 12 cavity square mold) when I make milk soaps and just leaving them on the counter I haven't had a problem with overheating. My buttermilk bastile usually turns a very light tan color. I don't insulate the soap, but I also don't put them in the freezer or fridge...
  14. tryanything

    laundry powder/cloth diaper question

    Yeah we used Charlies for years but now that the giant pail my husband bought is almost empty and I enjoy making soap I wanted to give this a try. I'm completely open to ordering another pail if it doesn't work but at least wanted to give it a shot. #3 is coming in October and #2 is still in...
  15. tryanything

    laundry powder/cloth diaper question

    Has anyone who makes their own laundry powder used it on cloth diapers? How well does it work? Do you get water repelling? I want to make a 100% CO bar with 0% SF and add in baking soda, washing soda, and I'm up in the air on oxyclean or citric acid (NO BORAX!!). Google has a lot of homemade...
  16. tryanything

    Ready to jump in!

    Yay! Post pics when you are done! i am in the process of unpacking from a move and can't wait to get back to soaping. I hope to have the house set to rights by this weekend, then maybe I can get a small batch going. Good luck!
  17. tryanything

    Soaping in the heat of summer

    Hello! I just moved next door to Ohio from Oregon. Holy cow we are so not used to this heat and humidity (It's currently about 90 and we've been having non-stop thunderstorms since we arrived)! I'm worried about where to store my soap when its done since hubby isn't a fan of the scents. I...
  18. tryanything

    Looking for a recipe...

    Going back to your original question, how about a Castile? You have to wait a good 6 months for cure to get a nice, hard, mostly slime free bar but it is really worth it. Add some sugar as suggested to up the bubble factor and you've got a great 0 cleansing, high conditioning bar. I have a...
  19. tryanything

    In progress...

    I just moved. I get my household good tomorrow! My first order of business before I go back to work (took 1.5 weeks off to unpack and just settle in) is liquid soap for hand washing, powdered laundry soap, and shampoo bars. I hope all of my soaping equipment survived the trip!!!
  20. tryanything

    new soap pic + question

    Not sure what's causing it but I think it looks pretty darn awesome!