laundry powder/cloth diaper question

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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2010
Reaction score
Cleveland Ohio
Has anyone who makes their own laundry powder used it on cloth diapers? How well does it work? Do you get water repelling? I want to make a 100% CO bar with 0% SF and add in baking soda, washing soda, and I'm up in the air on oxyclean or citric acid (NO BORAX!!). Google has a lot of homemade recipes that people say they use on cloth diapers with Fels Naptha or Dr. Bronners or Kirks so I assume my soap would be okay but I just wanted to see if anyone has any experience with it.

Random side note: I've seen people complain about Dr. Bronner not being a true castile. How the hell is Kirk's saying there soap is when it seems to be a coconut oil soap? Go figure!
I used Charlie's Soap (from Mayoden, NC) and Sun Oxygen -- similar to Oxicllean but better. Never had a problem with getting them clean.

Robin in NC
Yeah we used Charlies for years but now that the giant pail my husband bought is almost empty and I enjoy making soap I wanted to give this a try. I'm completely open to ordering another pail if it doesn't work but at least wanted to give it a shot. #3 is coming in October and #2 is still in diapers. Thankfully #1 is fully potty trained. Now to get #2 there...
When my son was on cloth diapers, I purchased Rockin Green laundry detergent. It was the BEST. Regular laundry soap builds up in cloth diapers over time and my son got an awful rash. The Rockin Green took care of it in one soak and wash. It was worth the cost for me. It even got out dried blood (from my husbands Harley Davidson t-shirt).
I don't know about making my own, have thought about it, but after 7 years of CDing 3 of my kids I still liked old school Tide the best. I make my own laundry detergent but I never used it on my cloth, wasn't quite strong enough IMO.

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