What's for Dinner tonight ? What are you having ?

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Hubby has been out of town since Friday, so not a lot of cooking going on here. I love pancakes, him not so much so breakfast-for-dinner a couple of nights. 😋 Tonight I'm making a salad and heating up some spring rolls from Trader Joe's. If anyone is looking for new recipe sites, two I like are Smitten Kitchen (not smitten kitten - you will get a whole different thing 🙈) and Ahead of Thyme.
Too hot to cook and it's the last day of my holiday, so we're having fish and chips from the local takeaway. Except we've replaced the usual chips (fries as you call them in the USA) with kumara chips. Kumara is what we call sweet potato.
Hubby has gone to collect and I'm sitting here with tartare sauce and aioli at the ready. Nom nom.
We've got a wind advisory and possible snow (in the Puget Sound?!) which means another atmospheric river.
Oh hello neighbor! :)
Saw your area had a lot of damage. Hope you both came through unscathed.
I have family in SW WA and I live in Idaho. When you all have extreme weather it’s usually on our news.
Saw your area had a lot of damage. Hope you both came through unscathed.
I have family in SW WA and I live in Idaho. When you all have extreme weather it’s usually on our news.
We just had some wind here where I am but everything looks fine, nothing too unusual. I think we’re still expecting snowpocalypse this weekend though. Hopefully we don’t lose power!
Last night was chili with black beans and sweet potatoes. It’s been kinda cold here (relatively speaking, of course, lol) so it tasted pretty good!

Last night was rib eye. Cooks so fast in the air fryer, with minimal clean-up. Plus we have snow, so I'm not inclined to fire up the outside gas grill.
I’d have never thought of making ribeye in an air fryer!
Last night I made a Homemade Won Ton soup with a chicken stock, soy sauce, sesame oil, carrots, shallots. The won tons had pork mince, five spice powder, shallots in them, didn't make the wrappers (too fiddly).
Then dh dished up ice cream for dessert (at least I can keep the container for lye).

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