Oh lord, there's been a LOT of cooking in my house lately....and some dammmm fine meals, I must say
Last night was beautifully browned crepes made from pre-soaked lentils (so stupidly easy it isn't funny) which I added a little bit of my rye sourdough starter to - because why would I not LOL

If you make crepes, for the love of god give the non-stick pans a pass & cook them in some beautiful ghee (awesome for high temperature cooking) in a cast iron pan. You will not regret it. Actually, incinerate your non-stick, because it's making you sick, slowly but surely.
I stuffed those DEEE-LI-SHIS crispy-around-the-edge-tender-in-the-middle puppies with marinated tofu, broccoli, mushrooms, carrots, garlic, ginger, onion which all was sautéed very hot in sesame oil, tamari, fermented coconut sauce & sprinkled with black sesame seeds....I outdid myself, I ain't gonna lie....and yes, I am tooting everything that can be tooted TOOOOOT!! TOOT! LOL

I thoroughly enjoyed that meal! As well as the leftovers for breakfast & lunch today....I love spur-of-the-moment-recipes that come together spontaneously & which end up tasting phenomenal....that's one I will be making again & again, and even making a sweet version using coconut sugar & stuffing them with fresh fruit, because YUMMO!
It was an interesting afternoon of snowshoeing between loads of laundry today

so I will be finishing off my lovely re-heated leftovers tossed over some beautiful brown basmati rice tonight