I also did some grocery shopping today! I bought oils for weekends soap making Some sunflower oil, peanut oil and pistachio oil. Pistachio was on sale, woot woot!
I also did some grocery shopping today! I bought oils for weekends soap making Some sunflower oil, peanut oil and pistachio oil. Pistachio was on sale, woot woot!
Love this soap, smells soooo goood. I used a pot swirl technique. Himalayan salt accent on the top of soaps.
Earlene, maybe this will help?
That's interesting about the hemp oil. I use it in my Dr. Bronner's Baby Mild Castile Liquid Soap Dupe. Nice.
I've been experimenting with fruit and veggie HP soaps. The cucumber came out pretty well, but I was a little disappointed with the strawberry, It didn't initially have the pretty red color I was hoping for, just a yucky brown. I'm thinking I added the strawberry puree at too high a temperature, 188 degrees F. Now that it is cooling it seems to be taking on more of a red tint. Any ideas fruit and veggie soapers ?
Earlene, maybe this will help?
That's interesting about the hemp oil. I use it in my Dr. Bronner's Baby Mild Castile Liquid Soap Dupe. Nice.
The color of most botanicals turn tan or brown in the presence of lye. Calendula leaves will stay yellow, but that is an exception to the norm when it comes to soaping with organic plants. Some natural colorants perform better when added to the lye solution. Others do better added in other ways.
Here are some links to some useful information on coloring CP soap with natural colorants. The first one includes different methods as well as some photos.
I have tried a few botanicals, not strawberries, though. Spinach makes a nice green that fades to nothing eventually, but when the soap hits boiling water the green comes back just like when you cook spinach it gets a deeper green. Interesting, but who is going to bathe in boiling water?
I also concluded that it would be good as a Liquid Soap, but I am not into Liquid Soaps. The only one I use is for shaving my legs. Other than that, I just don't like LS, so I only make the one recipe. Maybe one day I'll be interested in making other LS recipes, but that would mean I'd have to use them. :think:
My husband took my planer apart to evaluate the cause of the gouge it is making in my soap so I'm going with this one. ,
So I placed two orders today; one for the acrylic planer and one for another silicon ice cube tray.