I decided that I want a good scrubby soap but wanted something gentler than whole poppyseeds. I also wanted the exfoliants to be something I could semi easily get. So I got some coffee grounds, oat flour, used vanilla beans, and ground poppyseed. I made a 500g batch of soap and got cracking.
I pre-measured my exfoliants and set them aside.
I did 1% and 2% of each and a 5% for the oat flour just because. I labeled the cups to make sure I didn't mess up.
Then I made my batter, mixed in my exfoliants, and poured. The orange is due to some leftover tumeric infused sunflower oil that I had laying around that needed to be used.
I also poured off some batter at the beginning for a control and had enough batter at the end for a 2nd control soap. They are all now hanging out until I unmold them in about a week. I plan to update in a month or so as to my results.
I pre-measured my exfoliants and set them aside.
I did 1% and 2% of each and a 5% for the oat flour just because. I labeled the cups to make sure I didn't mess up.
Then I made my batter, mixed in my exfoliants, and poured. The orange is due to some leftover tumeric infused sunflower oil that I had laying around that needed to be used.
I also poured off some batter at the beginning for a control and had enough batter at the end for a 2nd control soap. They are all now hanging out until I unmold them in about a week. I plan to update in a month or so as to my results.