Are you using the conditioner bar in place of using shampoo,
@Shelley D ? I’ve been using a cowash on my very fine colored hair most of the time, with only occasional shampoo and conditioner. I’ve wondered about using a conditioner bar with no shampoo component. If that’s what you’re doing, I’ll have to try it. My mom and sister, who have extremely fine thin hair, would also be interested.
To be honest, I'm probably breaking some sacred rules written somewhere or cheating, whichever way you want to look at it.
The weird thing is, I thought I had for sure started getting my eczema on my scalp or maybe scalp psoriasis or something because I was getting itchy patches that had a bumpy texture that I could feel (hard to see certain parts of my scalp), and it would get flaky if I scratched it. So I went to the dermatologist and she prescribed a shampoo that was basically antibacterial/antifungal

When that ran out I knew how to take care of it myself ~ coconut oil and tea tree EO twice a week, easy peasy ~ but messy. I put some tea tree on the itchy spots, then massage coconut oil over my scalp. When I get in the shower, I use whichever soap bar I have in there and scrub it over my scalp until it makes bubbles and work the lather around a minute to get the oil out of my hair and then rinse ~ which is when it feels stripped and tangled so I don't try to run my fingers through it or anything, just squeeze it out until there's no more bubbles. For a conditioner, I do cheat and use Wen cleansing conditioner and I work that through my hair, then use a silicone scrubbie thing to work it through to my scalp, then twist it up in a clip and rinse it out after I finish the rest of my shower. At which point, it rinses clean and smooth, I can run my fingers through it and comb it with no problems after toweling dry.
So that's my whole routine ~ it's part homemade soap, part commercial product. My scalp issue isn't eczema or any type of allergy, my scalp is just rebelling against skipping days between washes ~ dang muscle weakness is affecting my arms now, not just my legs.

But in doing this I have learned that the lye soap does wonders for stripping out the build up in my hair from this Florida "reclaimed" water

It gets my hair super clean! More than with the Wen alone, that's for sure!