What Bath & Body Thing Have You Done Today?

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It looks like she tried to scoop some cream with dirty, possibly wet, fingers and where she touched, it got moldy. I'm trying to recreate the issue (she said she sampled it when she got it 7 weeks ago, then put the lid back on and left it).
Oh yes, any parent with teenagers would agree: that looks exactly like a scooping finger-trail like one might see in icing or peanut butter!
To restore my lotion-making confidence, tonight I made a 400g batch of lavender-magnesium cream. Just like the first batch, it turned out very thick and has such great absorbency, with no soaping and no greasy after-feel.
I have a question about the magnesium cream, if you don't mind helping me. I tried last year to make a magnesium lotion with my regular recipe but replaced the water with magnesium brine*. The lotion was greasy and made me itch. A bit confusing because this was the same method used by Ellen Ruth Soaps in one of her videos and she said it wasn't greasy and didn't say anything about making a person itchy. I think it's too much magnesium brine because I've been cutting the greasy-itchy batch with other lotions (same recipe made with straight up water) and that took care of both issues. I'd like to try again, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Can you tell me a bit about your cream - mostly the % of magnesium and how you get it in your cream. I'm a huge fan of my lotion recipe, so I'd like to stick with that in case you're worried at all about sharing a recipe.

* To clarify how I made the magnesium brine: I did 500g water + 500g magnesium flakes to get 1000g total and measured what I needed for my batch from that.
Hi there @Maple_Street_Bath! I'm quite sure that your itchy feeling is coming from too much magnesium. That will definitely make the skin itchy, and sometimes will even give a burning feeling, or turn it red. That's exactly why I no longer use straight magnesium "oil" (or brine, as you called it) on my skin.

I'm happy to share the recipe that I used, which came straight off the internet somewhere. I'd love to give credit to the person who shared it, if I could only remember where I found it! Besides, I tweaked it considerably because I wanted to use up some herb-infused jojoba oil that I had from another project. It turned out so nicely (great absorption, no soaping, no greasy after-feel), that I've kept using jojoba oil as the main oil. In any event, here is the recipe that I use and love, with my personal notes in blue:

Water phase
242 grams distilled water (you can use less if you prefer a thicker cream).
52 grams double-strength magnesium oil (see recipe below)

Oil Phase
60 grams herb-infused jojoba oil (or other liquid oil and butters of choice)
8 grams shea butter or mango butter
15 grams ewax
12 grams cetyl alcohol

Cool Down Phase
8 grams Leucidal (I actually used 1.5g Liquid Germall Plus instead)
3 grams lavender EO (or other EO in skin-safe amount)

Make the magnesium oil by dissolving ½ cup magnesium flakes into ¼ cup distilled water.
You won't use all of this for a batch, but it keeps well if stored in a well-sealed container away from light and heat.
Measure all water phase ingredients in one heatproof container, and all oil phase ingredients into another.
Heat both containers to 175F and hold for 20 minutes.
Add water to oil and stick blend continuously for one minute.
Continue to blend for 20-30 seconds at a time as it thickens and cools.
Once the mixtures cools off to 140F (120F if using LGP instead of Leucidal), add the cool phase ingredients.
Continue mixing off and on until the mixture is thick and fluffy.
Decant into a sterilized container and cover with a towel until completely cooled.
Seal container and store away from light and heat.
I had an acquaintance request a specific type of body oil several months back, which I was not at all into making. So I flat out refused LOL Lord I cannot STAND body oils *ugh* but have plenty of plant infused oils to turn out some exceptional ones which are not normally found on store shelves....

Well, they are going back to their own country for the winter, so I wanted to send them home with some nice gifts, including soaps, more plant-medicine based psoriasis salve for her husband AND the body oil she requested. So I made it yesterday afternoon while thrash-dancing around my kitchen LOL & will be giving it to her tomorrow. Side note: there's a lot of music I have NOT listened to in donkeys ages.....my granddaughter would probably be aghast 😂 That's ok, she already knows gramma is a very different kinda gramma LOL THAT was motivational as all %#!$ 😁

Anybody know Ministry's ΚΕΦΑΛΗΞΘ Psalm 69 album or recall nights out surrounded by cage dancers? 🤘 😊 If you do, we may be soul-mates!

Anyhoooozzzz....the body oil turned out beautifully, not at all greasy, leaves the skin like a baby's bottom. I formulated it to have the consistency of something like a gel that immediately 'dries down' on the skin, so I will need to purchase some pumps so I can get this product on shelves for next spring / summer.

It's nice having things slow down for the winter, gotta say! I don't do Christmas stuff, or Halloween, or any of that other stuff, so this is the time of year during which I take a step back & observe what I've been doing all year, make adjustments & changes, and continue formulating new products / producing existing products for the upcoming year.

Time to get out there & harvest some devil's club root before the snows start falling!

Speaking of snow, happy oncoming winter for those in winter-places....we're having the first snow of the season nearby my area today.....crossing my fingers that it stays away from my home area for another month at least. Almost done stacking firewood & picking / processing wild mushrooms. Not at all mentally prepared for the white stuff!

EDIT: before anyone loses their mind RE: devil's club....it's a plant with many healing properties & is incredible for arthritis / rheumatism & many other health issues. Used in traditional medicine for a very long time.
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I'm still one item away from my next adventure (lotion making). But guess what I realized I forgot... bottles of some sort to package the lotion in! Now I'm trying to decide if I want to order pump tops or squeeze bottles. I'm scouring Amazon now because if I can find something I like in under 24hrs, shipping will be free because I already have an order (unrelated) waiting to be fulfilled.
I'm still one item away from my next adventure (lotion making). But guess what I realized I forgot... bottles of some sort to package the lotion in! Now I'm trying to decide if I want to order pump tops or squeeze bottles. I'm scouring Amazon now because if I can find something I like in under 24hrs, shipping will be free because I already have an order (unrelated) waiting to be fulfilled.
One thing to consider is ease of filling; definitely choose something that you can easily pour into, rather than having to use a syringe or other torturous device (learned that the hard way).

I've done squeeze tubes and pumps, and like them both. I prefer do pumps unless the squeeze bottle is designed to sit cap down rather than cap up, so that the lotion is always ready to dispense.

I've also used inexpensive tubs like this; repurposed small Mason jars or jelly jars with plastic lids; repurposed glass food jars; and repurposed shampoo bottles, conditioner bottles, and FO bottles that have been scrupulously cleaned. I, ummmm, cough cough, may have decanted some other store-bought products into temporary storage jars just to free up a container or two. ;)
Today's bath and body thing was helping a friend navigate the purchasing process to start making her own shampoo bars, conditioner bars, and lotion. She loves mine and wants to start making all of this herself. Now, after purchasing the DIY B&B recipes, and placing her first LotionCrafter order, she has a new appreciation for the cost of products! I did share with her how I simplify them a bit for my own needs - including cost savings and ingredient consolidation.

While we were talking, she shared with me that her husband commented on how great her skin is looking. She has been using date seed oil. I'd never heard of that before, but immediately ordered the same brand she uses. So I guess that was my other bath and body thing for today. ;)

She has goats and has made goat milk soap in the past, so she feels pretty comfortable branching out into these new endeavors. She also wanted the recipe for (my version of) Earlene's Blacksmith Soap, so I sent her that, as well.

She wants to try the DIY B&B Vitamin B Serum, which I assured her was lovely, having tried @Misschief's version of that. We plan to make our first batch of that together sometime in the near future - after she receives all her ingredients, and makes all the things. :)
Ok, I take back most of the awful things I've said/wrote about shea butter. I just got some refined shea and really like it. It's clearly just the smell of raw shea butter that I detest. I made lotion concentrate yesterday and cannot wait to make my first batch of actual lotion. I've also come to realize I now need to sit down and actually think about a name/logo, packaging, and labels.
With only three (Christmas) markets left in my season, I'm stocking up on a few things, as well as a couple of special requests. At the back, Caffeine & Cucumber Eye Gel Cream (a Swift Crafty Monkey recipe), and 18 small bottles of "Cozy" hand & body lotion. In the black basket from left to right - lip scrub (just needed labelling, a couple jars of Knitter's Hand Cream that needed labels and a batch of what I call Perfection face cream (scented with rose, patchouli, and sandalwood). And 4 small batches (17 tubes each) of lip balm (peppermint, orange, blueberry/acai, and chocolate lava cake).

The Cozy lotion will also be used as a gift with purchase (spend $50, get a bottle of lotion for free). One last thing for today will be a lip oil for a special request.

I made my first lotion! All went well, but bottling was... an experience. I like that it absorbs quickly but why does it make my hands shiny? 🤔
Congratulations! For bottling I use a silicone piping bag. Once the lotion has cooled I pipe it in my containers. Just like soap, if you want help you will need to to post your recipe or at least start with posting ingredients. I have made lotions that were shiny at first but changed my ingredients for other reasons.
Congratulations! For bottling I use a silicone piping bag. Once the lotion has cooled I pipe it in my containers. Just like soap, if you want help you will need to to post your recipe or at least start with posting ingredients. I have made lotions that were shiny at first but changed my ingredients for other reasons.
In this case, she can't post her recipe (if, as I suspect, she made it with the DIY Bath & Body recipe... it's a paid recipe).
DIY B&B used to list all their ingredients on the Etsy listing for for each recipe. If they still do that, then I believe you can share the ingredients as long as you don't share amounts, and don't disclose the process, i.e., creating the base/concentrate and then making the lotion.

For filling, I tend to pour while is it still fairly fluid and pourable.
Yes, I used the DIY B&B recipe. I used MCT in place of regular coconut for the base. I used the honey and oats lotion recipe, but didn't use fragrance or hydrolyzed oats. I replaced both with dl-panthenol.
Bottling wasn't super difficult, but I did spill a bit because the bowl I used doesn't have a pour spout. I will correct that next time around. I used a plastic funnel and placed my plastic bottles inside mason jars to make sure they didn't accidentally get knocked over.
I taught a class at work, and we made a sugar scrub. I had 40 participants, and it was super fun. It was also a ton of prep work and then clean up after and at home. Thank goodness I have a great team that helped me. Prepping all those little bowls of 83g of sugar with 1.3g of jojoba beads, a batch of the liquids that had to be measured into all those little cups. Each person got to customize their scrub with a choice of 7 micas and a choice of 7 FOs. I had 4oz plastic jars with cute labels for the top, and an ingredients label. Health & Wellness is one of the fun thing that is a part of my role, and this felt very pre-pandemic! We have good AV so it was like a show in my conference room with the camera zoomed in on my demo. I got a ton of thanks after for a fun session. I have found a way to play hobby at work that is part of my goals - winning!