Instead of seeing as overusing a design techniques, why not view it as a signature?
For all that I do a lot of 'creative' things (knit, crochet, loom, make soap, bake), I really am not a 'creative' person. When you knit, you follow a pattern and if I can't find the yarn in the pattern and it's more than one yarn, then I go to the yarn store, hand the clerk the pattern and ask them to pick out yarn for me. LOL
The majority of my regular soaps are either single color or two color 'swirls' (either Drop or ITP) and then I do the 'infinity' thing with a chop stick for the top. I don't even add colorant to my GMS. And I'm fine with that and haven't had any complaints from the customers. I do occasionally 'mix it up'...I have a Neapolitan Soap with pink, white and brown layers; Chocolate Espresso is brown with a 'whip cream' top; 1920s Barbershop is a red, white and blue swirl. And since I 'embrace the brown', I will often just add some TD to part of the batter and 'swirl' it. Oooooooooo. LOL