sandra said:
Not only do I have one batch of fabulous laundry soap. I have 4.
:shock: So sorry
Did you get the other recipes from books or did you come up with them on your own? Book recipes
should be okay to use and are "hopefully" proven, though not always. It is always best to run everything through a lye calc.
Some people can tolerate the higher cleansing and are really fine with cleansing at 21 . If your soap is not lye heavy, then it is not necessarily a waste. It actually might be a good soap for grimy hands. I know that some people do soap with their cleansing that high. It is all a personal preference, which is the beauty of making your own.
Coconut is used because it does have a lot of good properties, the bubble factor, easy to get, and not as controversial as PKO. It is all about the recipe, though. You need a good, balanced recipe, with good amounts of moisturizing oils to balance out the cleansing of the CO.
I haven't use CO for a long time because everytime I use it, my skin turns into a scratch/crawly-fest. I do want to mess with a higher superfat , though, to see if that helps. So, I too, have gone through a bazillion batches to get to what works for me. As have a lot of people, though that is no consolation for you now. Hang in there!