SMF Soap Making Challenge: September Discoloring FO

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Not only has Tvivian blown this challenge out of the water, she used the same company and scent as I did. Sigh... I so can't post that one now - it is too sad in comparison.
Please please post! Remember that although this is a competition it is also a learning and growth experience.

Does everyone feel that if I extended the time to this Sunday that would be better? It seems that very few people have entered thus far. You all can pm me if you think I could've made improvements on the challenge. I probably should've made it less complex. I think I drove people out with that.

It also seems many people are waiting for their FO to discolor still. What do you think? extension to the 27th at 11:59 pm? That gives 3 days to vote.
kchaystack, you have to post yours!!! I feel like these challenges are about challenging yourself, not competing with others. I've made that soap before so I have an advantage! What I wanted to get out of it was to make a tutorial video (which I did) and to see if the DFO's migrate when used as an embed. So I feel like I learned something and took something away from the challenge. That's what it's about, so please post!

Pretty please!
Galaxy, I would be on board with extending even though my second attempt will hit the 48 hour mark in about one hour. As far as the challenge being too complex ... nope. If the goal is for everyone to experiment with and learn new techniques, this challenge was right in line with that. The challenge has made me think about different ways to work "with" a DFO rather than just making a solid color soap. I think it has done the same for others. So, in that regard, your challenge has met and exceeded the stated goal.

Besides, it's not a "Challenge" if it's not "challenging".

Just my 2 cents.
Galaxy, I would be on board with extending even though my second attempt will hit the 48 hour mark in about one hour. As far as the challenge being too complex ... nope. If the goal is for everyone to experiment with and learn new techniques, this challenge was right in line with that. The challenge has made me think about different ways to work "with" a DFO rather than just making a solid color soap. I think it has done the same for others. So, in that regard, your challenge has met and exceeded the stated goal.

Besides, it's not a "Challenge" if it's not "challenging".

Just my 2 cents.

Agreed! Galaxy, the challenge was great.. And you've been amazing at explaining it and answering all of our questions!
Galaxy, I've enjoyed this challenge. I haven't posted yet because I made a 2nd attempt with an FO that was supposed to discolor to tan, but didn't, and then decided to try again over the weekend and my 48 hours aren't up until today. At that point I'm going to decide on my first or third attempt and upload. My 2nd attempt won't discolor in time anyway, so leaving the deadline or extending it won't matter for me.
Definitely a good challenge. It got me to design in a way I otherwise wouldn't have, so I enjoyed it.
I would love the extension but I don't think it's going to DC for me -typical isn't it! I guarantee it would have if I didn't want it to!!
I have already made 3 batches and it was challenging indeed. All three have hit the trace very fast, with the first two being uber quick (or even soap on a stick in case of a vanilla-scented part of the batter). I have the third attempt sitting in the mold so I will not make it on time and since I have had to proceed fast due to the thickening I skipped the TD as an additive. In result I only have three colours: brown from discolouring FO, grey instead of violet ;) from alkanet and orange from annato. Which does not meet criteria of the challenge. Damn!
Alright. Thats 3 people (+ myself... procrastinator... so 4). If no one objects or sees this as an unfair advantage, the challenge will be extended until the 27th of this month at 11:59 pm. I will post it in the original post.

I have already made 3 batches and it was challenging indeed. All three have hit the trace very fast, with the first two being uber quick (or even soap on a stick in case of a vanilla-scented part of the batter). I have the third attempt sitting in the mold so I will not make it on time and since I have had to proceed fast due to the thickening I skipped the TD as an additive. In result I only have three colours: brown from discolouring FO, grey instead of violet ;) from alkanet and orange from annato. Which does not meet criteria of the challenge. Damn!

I don't see why this doesn't meet the criteria as far as the colors go. There are quite a few gray or orange brands out there! And now I've extended the time so you should have more than enough time for it to discolor/be at the 48 hr + mark.
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I just got super excited that the date got extended! I made my design last night just for fun since I figured I wouldn't make the cut off. Now I'm extra impatient to go home and cut into the loaf.
I think there are a lot of us just waiting till the last minute for fragrance discolouring. I know I am! Happy with the extension though. And I really enjoyed the challenge Galaxy, you did a great job.
Since my pumpkin puke batch used a FO with .5% vanilla and is showing no signs of discoloring yet, I'm breaking out the big guns. This time I'm using the darkest DFO I own with a whopping 16% vanilla! My brand for this attempt will be Ghirardelli which is near and dear to my heart (and stomach) :)
Pretty soap, Sonya!

Dixie, how is the Honey Beeswax from BB? I've been eyeing it for a while.

I LOVE it. I got a small bottle of it to try, and ordered a larger bottle on my next BB bottle. It smells just like yellow beeswax. Definitely honey-like, but not straight-up honey. If you want that dark, almost black/green color in the picture, you have to use the full amount BB recommends. It is a STRONG FO, so when you do that, it is a LOT of scent. When I use the bar, the whole bathroom smells like it.

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