SMF June Challenge Peacock Swirls

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It's just another way of dragging through the soap. Most people, I think just make their own comb from skewers and cardboard or modify an actual hair pick or comb. If you have patience and a slow enough recipe, you can even do a peacock swirl with just one skewer.

Yep - I do mine with one skewer no problem :)
So this is totally unrelated, but as I did my challenge bad, I felt my stick blender wanting to quit on me. How long these things last? This one is like a year old :(
I think I'm being a bit dumb as the bottom video is the way I have done it and the soap queen one seems to me to be creating the same pattern but doing it with a different tool that has multiple pegs? It still seems to result in the same pattern to me though so I'm confused?

It's really really really subtle. Because I can't seem to draw it on Evernote, so you might like to start watch second video from 2:33. The second pair of mirrored S shape is kinda lower than the first one. ( after the first pair mirrored S )

The soap queen tool creates a second lower S shape than the first one. ImageUploadedBySoap Making1497582846.008927.jpg

Please forgive / ignore my awful drawing. But hope you can get an idea of what I'm talking about.

I think it's a mesmerizing pattern, and sorta make you dizzy if you stare at it too much and too long period of time.

Maybe I'm just overthinking it. I wish I have steady hands... :p
It's really really really subtle. Because I can't seem to draw it on Evernote, so you might like to start watch second video from 2:33. The second pair of mirrored S shape is kinda lower than the first one. ( after the first pair mirrored S )

The soap queen tool creates a second lower S shape than the first one. View attachment 24941

Please forgive / ignore my awful drawing. But hope you can get an idea of what I'm talking about.

I think it's a mesmerizing pattern, and sorta make you dizzy if you stare at it too much and too long period of time.

Maybe I'm just overthinking it. I wish I have steady hands... :p

I get it now, thank you :) either way is fine.
Here's my practice soap that I made on June 3rd. As I said before, I poured too thick and pushed the toothpick comb down too low into the batter and muddied the colors for about halfway before I realized and lifted it up again. I made this small batch in a loaf mold just deep enough to cut the bars like in a slab. I didn't want a solid color bottom, so I did the design all the way through the soap and I like how the inside turned out. I used too much black, though and it overpowered the other colors. But I was pretty sure I'd need a practice, so I wasn't too disappointed that it didn't turn out as envisioned. I learned that I needed to start at emulsion and that I had to be more careful with the swirl tools (the comb as well as the chop stick for the S) and to use far less black.


I'm not too ashamed to show this immense failure I made on June 6th. I call it 'Peacock mess'. My batter thickened up way too fast and I was way too slow. I dragged the comb tool (bigger than toothpicks, btw) through the soap as it hardened by the second. Then a load of oil oozed out and the next day I poured about 2 or 3 ounces of oil off the mold. It never actually got hard. The goal was that this would be the bottom of the soap, that I would pour another layer on top of it. But when I turned it over it was extremely pliable and it still isn't hard. I made some sort of error when I measured out my oils I think. Probably double measured one of the oils. The recipe is fine. I triple checked it and have made the same recipe before without any issues. Either my error or scale error, but I blame myself.

Anyway here is the Peacock mess photo:


Third reject is this, which actually I was very pleased with the top when I made it on June 10th. But because I was in Ohio and had to carry it home with me via car, first to hotel then the next day across two states, I wrapped it up tight and managed to mess up the top.

I salvaged it as best I could, but in planing the top to make it smooth again, lost some of the peacockness. However, I have confirmed that I do not like a solid bottom color with only a swirl on top. I just don't like how it looks. But I would have been happy with the top if I hadn't messed it up with the wrapping it up for transport.

I love the colours in the potential second one...lovely...and nice swirls in the greeny yellow one :)

I was wondering about doing a very flat base to give the maximum swirl on top and cut square.....
oh it is like marines festival. Shanty is typical songs and music that they play on boats. It reminds me of blues but completely different rhythm
Yes it's traditional seafaring music. Lots of male voices in beautiful harmony, with just the odd instrument that they would have had been able to get their hands on in the boats. My husband's grandad is 88 and he loves it so we took him. We are staying in a Cornish fishing town called Falmouth in a weather observation tower that has been converted into a house. My view this morning :)

ImageUploadedBySoap Making1497877083.731676.jpg
Seafaring music, I must remember the name, thanks Saponista, One of my close friend is specializing in this music, Beautiful voice and excellent music, He spend more than half of his life on sea :) thank you for the pic

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