SMF June Challenge Peacock Swirls

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one is exactly as Saponista showed in her tutorial another one no big different. Mine is done, It was my first time in slab mold, after two years of asking DH finally made two but only one is finished and I could use.

Can you please tell me what type of wood he uses for the mold?
I was thinking marine plywood?
1. toxikon - Oo oo so pretty!

2. Omneya- have always wanted to try this

3. earlene - this looks like fun

4. SunRiseArts - Never made peacock swirl, but I want to learn!

5. KCHaystack - You played with me, so I feel I need to return the favor.

6. jewels621 - I'm a peacock swirl/soap challenge virgin, but I'm in!

7. dibbles - you guys will get me through my To Try list yet

8. Dahila - hopefully my hubby will finish my slab mould

9. BattleGnome - if I'm lucky I'll be able to find something for a slab mold soon

10. Soapprentice- time to take out the box my iPad came in again.

11. Cherrycoke216 - After a long stormy pouring rain market day...And now I'm signing up a whole new world I have never traveled

12. CaraBou - Get ready for an upside down pic - I'll be on vacation when the entry thread is open, with nothing but my cell phone

13.Cobbsie - Never say never!...first peacock swirl and first challenge should be fun! (I'm sure I'll be at 50 posts before the start 

14. Artemis - Might be my only soap attempt for the month of June!

15. newbie- I haven't made soap for at least a month. Excellent jumpstart!

16. HowieRoll - late to the party, but haven't made soap since March 11 (!) and that is just silliness!
Penelopejane, i hope no one minds my pics , there are for you. If not allowed let me know (admin) and I will delete the pics. metal spots are to keep it secure :)
Lining up with freezer paper took me like 50 seconds ;)




@ kchaystack
Love that color scheme, I can see the beauty underneath!

@ saponista
Thanks for sharing the great view! It's lovely that you take husband's granddad together! Sounds tons of fun there! :p

@ earlene

I like the first one's side view. It creates a visual interest. And the second one color combo! It's a pity that road trip muddy the top.

@ dahila
Very useful mold model! Now to get me a husband to make that mold...! :p
Oh, gosh, you guys -- the entries in the challenge entry thread are wonderful and I can't wait to enjoy each new soap added.

Such a wide range of color schemes with really pretty results -- I'm going to have to try this on my own even though I'm not in the challenge this month.

If you haven't viewed the entry thread yet, be sure to check 'em out:
Oh, gosh, you guys -- the entries in the challenge entry thread are wonderful and I can't wait to enjoy each new soap added.

Such a wide range of color schemes with really pretty results -- I'm going to have to try this on my own even though I'm not in the challenge this month.

If you haven't viewed the entry thread yet, be sure to check 'em out:

I know right, they look so pretty, initially I wanted to go peacock colours but then I received new pink micas I ordered.. and hence the pink ;)
All of the entries so far are outstanding and, as usual, this is going to be a tough vote!

Soapprentice, I also meant to tell you earlier that your idea of using Styrofoam to hold the skewers was genius and I co-opted that maneuver to make my soap tool, too!
I am loving the entries so far.

Dahila, your colors are so crisp and well defined.

Soapapprentice, I love how the swirls go through the depth of your bars in your 3rd photo. That's just how I wanted mine to come out. Your reds and white look fabulous.

Artemis, your pastel peacock swirls are quite attractive and again, the swirls thoughout the depth of the soap is my goal as well.

BattleGnome, I really like how the discoloring FO turned your base to a darker color. The brown really seems to complement the purple and pink better than the original light base color did.

Omneya, your soap, even though you say it isn't so orange, looks great in the orange-y earth tones. Reminds me of the 70's. I do see in one or two of your other pictures less orange, so I suppose that's more the true colors. I love the gold shimmeriness as the soap started to cure. I kept forgetting to add the gold mica oil to my soap. It happened twice! Oh, and I almost forgot to mention.. I like the shape of your soap. Somehow that larger block shape of soap really appeals to me. My husband also told me recently that he likes the thicker block type shape better than the thinner rectangular shape more common here in the U.S.

HowieRoll, your greens and yellows are such a nice combination and I'm lovin' the side view of the bottom layer of your soap as well. That spin swirl really works well in your finished soap.

Dibbles, you are so good at judging the right amount of black in your design. I am so impressed and really want to learn how to properly use the right amount of black so it doesn't over power. Your colors really complement so well and your finished soap is gorgeous.

, beautiful swirls and I am bevel envious.

Anshika154, what fabulous colors you got with your alkanet root and annato seed powder!

Jewels621, I love the cool tones of your finished bars.

Great job everyone!

I hope I get mine ready to enter before midnight tomorrow. If not, I'll post it later. I think it's better than the 3 rejects I already posted.
All of the entries so far are outstanding and, as usual, this is going to be a tough vote!

Soapprentice, I also meant to tell you earlier that your idea of using Styrofoam to hold the skewers was genius and I co-opted that maneuver to make my soap tool, too!

Thank you Thank you
Nice job soapers! The entries are terrific.

I was going to modify my photos so they are sized more similar. But the edit button is gone so I guess it'll have to do. I uploaded from my phone while on vacation. Well at least they weren't sideways!
Today is the last day for entries. Thank you everyone. I will leave it open until the morning when I create the survey as I'm in an earlier time zone than most of you.
Wow, newbie, those are beautiful colors and so distinct in your swirls. Lovely.

Kchaystack, your soaps are gorgeous. The colors look wonderful together and it sounds like they smell divine.

Toxikon, I understand what you mean about the gold mica in oil. I had a problem with it the first time I used it. I keep meaning to move it to a smaller bottle with a much thinner squirt spout. I haven't done so as yet, but I think it would improve my ability to control the thickness of the line better, plus introduce less air into the equation. For me the air in the bottle was a problem when I went to try and squirt a thin line.

Cobbsie, I found that I kind of like the texture of a thicker peacock swirled top. But it does certainly impair ones ability to do the thinner lines for the swirls. The more fluid pour I did on June 10th worked out much better for the swirls. But I waited too long this time and got those thicker lines as well.
it is tough to decide which one is the best I like like 5 of them voting is going to be difficult for me . Everyone did an awesome job :) it is exiting to do this together :)
Wow - I left this morning to go out of town and just checked in on SMF to find many more beautiful entries. Dang it, as if it weren't going to be tough enough choosing before...!

And earlene, thank you for your kind words! At first I was confused, because you mentioned greens and yellows in my entry and I didn't use any green colorant (only yellow, white, dark grey, and light grey), but then I looked at the photos again and see how the grey actually looks green in the photos. And now I have an idea for a color combination of a future soap, so your words also became inspiration! :)
I wasn't able to give this months challenge a try but I'm enjoying watching the entries roll in!

Omneya, a tip on your photos - your outdoor one looks more true to color, so when taking photos indoors, you may have to adjust your camera's white balance setting to compensate for the yellow quality of incandescent bulbs. Your soap looks great!

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