So I just remade the soap. I made a fresh Lye Solution, verified the temperature was correct (212F), used it to melt my MB Oils, blended it to emulsion, no FO, poured equally in all my cups with dispersed colorants, mixed, poured my layers, cleaned up my dishes, molds are in the garage.
Well...that is how I wanted it to go, reality was much, much different. Yeah I made a fresh lye solution, checked the temp and it said nothing wrong with my lye (see previous disaster), and I did use it to melt my MB'd oils. I was getting ready to SB and realized I hadn't set up my colorants and I was going to use my oils, but now it was too late. So I put the colorants in the cups, gave the batter a quick whisk and then grabbed my melon baller and measured out some of not emulsified batter into the cups and gave them a quick mix. I then went back to the batter, blended to...a light pudding. It wasn't my idea. It had been awhile since I had used a freshly made lye solution and how it tended to accelerate small batches of oils. Not a huge issue if I'm making a single color soap, but.....
I'm usually a tidy soap maker, but not today...too much soap in one cup, not enough in another, turned the bowl because its glopping and missed the cup. Then I get out my electric frother, cuz no way that battery one is going to work and now I have splatters of colored soap. Screw it...gotta fill the molds. Pour the red (it's the only one that 'pours') and smacked the molds, grab the yellow and a spoon...glop some in, twist myself in a pretzel to get it all spread around, grab the orange and start to repeat...except the light bulbs turns on and I turn the molds to spread. Grab the green and realized that I was supposed to pour the orange after the red, not the yellow. Crap. Don't care, batter is like a thick pudding. Stir stir stir the green, plop it in...why don't I have enough green? Stir stir stir stir the blue, plop it it...why do I have too much blue? Grab the purple...the cup is really warm...stir stir stir, stir stir stir, stir stir stir...okay, I can plop it in...get it in the center, smack down the the molds...too much in two, none in the last...grab a knife, scrape off and plop in the last one. I can always cut the soap in half to show the layers.
Put the molds the garage. Wipe up the mess on the counter. Grab the bottle of Kahlua and pour some in my coffee. Take a break.