Sam's brand of olive oil..maybe a problem?

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Mar 11, 2011
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Has anyone had any problem with the OO from Sams...the Great Value brand? I bought it instead of the Bertolli brand that now comes in smaller containers.
I have been using Members Mark from Sams with no problem at all.
Thanks I can buy with confidence. Sure was not wanting the added expense of the other brand.
I wondered that too when I started shopping at Sams, because until then every olive oil I'd used was "greenish" like olives are supposed to be, and I was afraid that because the members mark was yellow instead that it might not be as good. I still don't know what that says about it, but I haven't had any problems with it, and the there is no noticable difference in my soap.
dcornett said:
I wondered that too when I started shopping at Sams, because until then every olive oil I'd used was "greenish" like olives are supposed to be, and I was afraid that because the members mark was yellow instead that it might not be as good. I still don't know what that says about it, but I haven't had any problems with it, and the there is no noticable difference in my soap.

The more "virgin" the olive oil is, the greener it is. The olive oils I use for soapmaking have all been yellowish, because I use "pure olive oil", not EVOO. Here is a link to the definitions of various types of olive oils:
Thanks kelleyaynn for that link, makes sense. I kind of figured the lighter color indicated a "lesser" grade of oil. I do cook with olive oil alot, so I believe I'll stick to the green for that. LOL :wink:
dcornett said:
Thanks kelleyaynn for that link, makes sense. I kind of figured the lighter color indicated a "lesser" grade of oil. I do cook with olive oil alot, so I believe I'll stick to the green for that. LOL :wink:

You're welcome! I thought I knew what the different types of OO's were, but thought I'd do a little Google search, and found out (gasp!) I was wrong. :roll: What did we ever do before Google???