I made some Soleseife soap about a year into beginning making our own soap. I don't know why this forum didn't pop up in my
searches for info on how-to-make; it would have saved time and I
didn't find much about it on the web at the time. I became interested in German Brine soap because I knew salt helped acne and I wanted to see if it would help as an additive to CP soap. I was surprised to find there was a soap made from a brine.....lol.....like I brine my Thanksgiving turkey before roasting it.
Literally hours after washing my face it purged, which I would have expected if I were one to have issues with acne (lol). I guess I had a few pimples under the skin that were lying dormant

. I washed one area of my lower arm near my wrist (one arm only) and it had a few small ones pop up also. Rarely do I ever have pimples but when I do they are deep and painful. It's nice to know that if I "were" one who suffered from acne on a regular basis that with regular use Soleseife would possibly keep bad breakouts at bay.
I ground my Pink Himalayan Sea Salt to a powder and then dissolved in hot water and there was no sediment. I had one container of water for my lye to dissolve and one for my salt and then combined them once things cooled to my desired temp. I love how hard and smooth these were; the only thing I didn't like was that I made such a small amount. Note to self: make more sooooon.