Batch I made 2 years ago I use EVOO. I recently used Pomace. But I am going to try and buy the most moisturizing soap at the craft markets and test it. All soap I made has a dry feeling regardless of oils and superfat 5-7% I think I am doing something wrong.
Hi Sephera. Have you zap-tested any of your soap? If not, that would be the first place I would look before looking anywhere else. If there is unreacted lye in your soap it will show up as an obvious and immediate prickly/stinging zap to your tongue.
If the soap is tongue-neutral (i.e., no obvious & immediate prickly zap), you can rest assured that the dryness/tightness you are experiencing is not due to unreacted lye, but something else...... either due your formula or superfat, or maybe even due to your skin not being compatible with lye-based soap (some folk's skins are actually happier with syndet-based cleansers, and there's no shame in that).
Also- I think there is a faulty perception that exists out there in soapdom (due to incessant, misleading advertising claims on TV, no doubt), that if soap does not leave your skin feeling moisturized then something must be wrong with it, and that is just flat out wrong. Soap is a cleanser, not a moisturizer -that's why things like lotion exist.
That's not to say that soap should leave your skin feeling uncomfortably tight, though. The big trick in making your own soap is to get to know the properties that each oil/fat lends to a soap
and how your own particular skin reacts to them, so that you can formulate in such a way that the finished soap is not so overly cleansing that it makes your skin feel uncomfortably tight.
To expand on that last sentence- it's important that one always keep in mind that everyone's skin is different. There is not one formula or one oil that is guaranteed to feel wonderful to everyone's skin. Give the same bar of soap to 10 different people and chances are more than good that you will get at least 5 or more wildly diverging opinions...... You can also get the same divergent results by just read through 10 posts of any one of the several recipe threads we have on the forum.
The skin of some folks just doesn't do well with soaps made from certain oils/fats- even olive oil soap, which is
generally considered to be mild. It may feel mild for lots of folks, but not everyone's.
My advice would be to make a good handful of 1 pound batches using wildly different formulas and superfats, let them fully cure, and then compare them to each other to see which of them feels the least tight to your skin. Doing that will give you a more solid foundation to work from in order to be able to tweak/custom-design a formula that's friendly to your skin.