Need a spoon/other stirring device that can survive both alkaline (lye) AND acidic conditions - suggestions?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2021
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Houston, Texas
I need something that can stir both heavily alkaline (lye) and heavily acidic conditions, I would like one spoon/stirring device that can handle both. Any suggestions? Primarily on the type of material, I have no clue what kind of material could stand up to both.

Usually stainless steel utensils work well with NaOH solutions and there's no issue when being used with weak acids, like acetic or citric. Certain SS can be subject to corrosion when in contact with strong acids, however - and there are alloys with different numeric codes showing different qualities and variable resistance to chemicals. What kind of acids do you have in mind?
Usually stainless steel utensils work well with NaOH solutions and there's no issue when being used with weak acids, like acetic or citric. Certain SS can be subject to corrosion when in contact with strong acids, however - and there are alloys with different numeric codes showing different qualities and variable resistance to chemicals. What kind of acids do you have in mind?
Oooo! I didn't know this but I would love to know more! I bought a stainless steel frothing pitcher on Amazon last year for making my lye solutions and the inside developed a light copper colored ring after the very first use so it's now sitting abandoned at the very back of my soapmaking cupboard.
Oooo! I didn't know this but I would love to know more! I bought a stainless steel frothing pitcher on Amazon last year for making my lye solutions and the inside developed a light copper colored ring after the very first use so it's now sitting abandoned at the very back of my soapmaking cupboard.
Not cool! For my lye solution I use a plastic pitcher/jug - it's either PP or HDPE (I'm not sure since there's literally no marking on it, the cheapest one I could find), and it doesn't have issues with high temp lye.

As for SS utensils - if OP uses them only for soaping, any regular SS/silicone spoon/spatula will do (if there's a problem, it should be noticeable right away, as you mentioned with your pitcher). But if they intend to work with strong acids like sulfuric or hydrochloric, they would need to do some more research and give more money. Actually, those two I mentioned are corrosive to SS and should never be handled with such equipment.
^^^^^ Crap, it is hydrochloric acid (muriatic, same thing). So SS won't work for that? What else should I get that can handle both hydrochloric acid and lye? Some kind of plastic stirrer?

Thanks all!!!
I think a plastic one (PP) should work both for lye and the muriatic acid. If you want to be safe you can always double check with someone who sells lab equipment, they will know what works best with a particular chemical. But still, since it's utensil and not a vessel, you don't risk much, IMHO. Keep in mind I'm not a chemist and I don't claim I can give the best advice on the matter, so keep everything I said with a grain of salt
@Saltynuts , how about a silicone spoon? There are alot of silicone kitchen utensils on the market. I don't know anything about chemicals but silicone in soapmaking- in addition to having silicone molds, I use silicone spatulas with no problem. I can't say I've ever stuck them in my lye solution....
@Saltynuts , how about a silicone spoon? There are alot of silicone kitchen utensils on the market. I don't know anything about chemicals but silicone in soapmaking- in addition to having silicone molds, I use silicone spatulas with no problem. I can't say I've ever stuck them in my lye solution....
I have and it hasn't been a problem, but then I haven't done this regularly or long term.