Well-Known Member
Vintageliving said:Test batch using 100% lard soap, no SF, is thickening nicely.
Will add baking soda, and a couple of drops of tea tree oil.
This will be dishwashing soap.
Edited to add: the baking soda added the to freshly made liquid soap starts turning it back into solid soap. I had quite a chuckle. That got me squished the "coagulating" soap through a sieve and adding great quantities of water. It washed dishes just fine, but wasn't the soap I intended to make.
Looks like the best method it to use the liquid soap and add the baking soda, as needed, during each round of dish washing.
The tea tree oil is nice and takes the edge off the smell of lard.
ROFL. Sounds like the baking soda took it full circle, but at least you were able to salvage it. Brings back fond memories
I have so much liquid soap now of different thicknesses that I will have to wait a while before I make any more.
@ ctmax and andreja
Welcome aboard. This can become very addictive. Get plenty of bottles ready, you will need them
I have made about 5 batches and am planning another one with my few remaining scraps.