Mayren, I use CP, and nothing whipped. My soaps are olive, olive/castor, or lard.
The original posts of the thread are all regarding soaps made with sodium hydroxide. I haven't followed the entire life of this thread, so can only report that the lard soap I make, at 0% Superfatting, made by the pectin method, makes a dish soap, that works, even though it turns to a firm-ish, gelatinous mass.
The olive and olive/castor thicken somewhat, and make a very good, liquid shampoo for my personal needs. I use varying percentages of superfatting in those, and all have come out fine.
I use 1/2 teaspoon pectin with 5 ounces, by weight, of soap, and circa 30 ounces of water. For my needs, the water amount does not need to be exact.
I found MagiaDellaLuna's posts very helpful, and earlier in the thread, I went through all of her posts to help with how to have success with this method. I used the Advanced Search function to read her posts.
Hope this helps a bit. The thread has gotten rather complicated to read in its entirety.