I really see things on here from the point of view as a therapist (and trust me, not as a perfect person), because first and foremost, that is how my mind is oriented as I am a marriage and family therapist. I look at the intricacies of communication and if researchers are right, that 90% of our communication is non-verbal, then talking on forums or online/text/written formats presents a challenge. I read letters written hundreds of years ago and the language was descriptive and engaging, whereas now it seems we are all rushing to some kind of a finish line and don't have the capacity or the will to enjoy writing or reading the messages communicated to one another.
We oft times engage in assumptions and forget that many people have problems focusing or knowing what to type in to do a search well. I suffer from problems concentrating and honestly sifting through thread after thread sort of robs me of my mojo for making these bath and body goodies at times so I give in and ask a question, that to others may seem like it was already answered by others. I am not only looking for answers ya'll, but I enjoy the back and forth discourse that comes from having someone address my question. It is more than having a question answered, it is many times for me, the chance to have a special moment with another person who loves what I love and to make a human connection. If I just want questions answered, I'll forgo a forum and just stick to info seeking, but I ask questions for the joy of interacting with you about a thing I enjoy doing and I think rightly expect that if someone is going to answer it is because they love talking about the subject, too and don't just want to be condescending and act as though a gun was put to their head to answer my question. We can stop and think when we see a question asked, "Is what I am going to say going to further the education of, love of the craft, and the sense of community of the person I am going to answer?" If the answer is no, it will cause them to feel less than, rejected, and belittled, then pass and let someone who enjoys teaching and talking to answer. There are no rules that you have to answer questions even if you have the answer.