how many soaps(handmade) in y shower?

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I have a different soap for my face, a different one for my body, a different one for my feet, a different one for my hands, a different one to shave get the idea.
I did have 5 in my shower at one point, but my DD -(3) would have to spend about 20 minutes using each bar, pluss all of the other things she "had to do" in the bath. Her bath was taking up to 3 hours and I realy prefered not sitting on the toilet for that long waiting for her to get out. So I had to take them out. DD asked were all the soap went I told her we were out and she said "We have lots of soap mommy, just get some from the back room" to which I replied "those are not for us sweety, those are for other people to buy." she said "oh, ok" and has left it alone since (so far), lol.

wait untill she learns I'm not selling soap yet, lol.
I just had hubby make me some soap shelves out of hardware cloth for the bathroom & kitchen for all my soap lol. I have 10 in the kitchen and 10 in the bathroom :roll:
one in shower: avocado swirl
2 at sink: trois legume, tea tree
4 at bath tub: frankincense & myrrh, summer sky, rose geranium, tangerine tea
oh the kitchen: frankincense & myrrh

total 8
OK in the shower only ever 1 - do not want water wasting any soap thats not being used, now if we count the cabinet next to the shower I have 15 full bars (well in various states of use) All but one My GF or I bought from others, then I have 24 Sample sizes that I have made that I am testing before I start selling. So In my bathroom I have ALOT. My Gf also has around 24 bars that she has bought at her hoyuse that are in her "soap cabinet"


I have about a dozen in a shower caddy stuck to the wall, if water gets in it drains out . I love being able to chose what soap I feel like using, so does my hubby.

topcat said:
Oh Lil! You make the most amazing soaps.....and you don't use them? How can you not? :shock:

OMG - reading that made my world wobble!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Tanya :)

Okay I have a confession...
After this thread, I had to start thinking. I decided to start trying bar soap again.. I still didn't like it :)oops:) BUT.. I tried it with a bath poof (instead of a washcloth or directly to skin) and it made so much yummy lather! I am now IN LOVE and have tossed all of the body wash :D Even the kids only use my soaps now, but always with a poof :)
I'm kind of a neat freak and only do one at a time, but in my basement (which doubles as my saponifactory) - I have slivers of about 14 on the

And I'm all about the poof too, Lil.
I did not realize it until my husband pointed it out; I have 34 bars under the kitchen sink :shock: (probably from sampling then storing) and there are 9 bars in the shower areas. It is nice to choose a different one from time to time. :lol:

SoapPoopette :wink: