how many soaps(handmade) in y shower?

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Currently in the shower: 11.
Last week at the peak of soapy insanity, when I was checking out all the swap soaps as well as some of my new soaps: 20.
(And I obsessively use each one for every shower).
about 6 or so in shower

2 at each sink in house(3 sinks= 6 soaps)

ya between the swap (yummy stuff)and my testing, we are in soap heaven.

i like having so many choices depending on what mood i'm in. do i need a lift(peppermint), or to destress(geranium,lavender). or shave(oatmeal).

i guess spoiled would be the answer... i like that better than
In my shower I have 6 diferent bars, 5 of which I made, the kids bathroom there are 4, and in the others there are a total of 4.
Crazy eh.
I have 11 , they all get used , it's nice to be able to pick whatever tickles your fancy that day.
Let's see....

1. Lavender Supreme
2. Oatmeal Vanilla Spice
3. Coconut Lime Verbena
4. Unscented Pet Soap
5. Castile with Green Irish Tweed
6. Castile with Butt Naked
7. Cool Mountain Air
8. Basil and Nectarine
9. Unscented Milk Soap
10. Coconut Shampoo Bars
11. Lime
12. Coffee
13. Bayberry Spice
14. Christmas Pine

Do I win a prize??? :lol:
Since I have a dorm shower and have to cart my shampoo and soap to and fro, I only keep one on hand each time, but rotate between 9 different types! 4 shampoo bars, and 5 soaps :D

Not the most, but still, I love variety!
I just have one... my first soaps are still curing. Soon there will be at least 4! :D
There's only 3 in my shower, I cleaned it up yesterday afternoon & took about 7 smaller bars out, it was getting too crowded in there!

P.S. Other bathrooms & sinks don't count!!!! I'm not telling what's in those . . .
surf girl said:
Currently in the shower: 11.
Last week at the peak of soapy insanity, when I was checking out all the swap soaps as well as some of my new soaps: 20.
(And I obsessively use each one for every shower).

So glad to know I''m not the only one who uses ALL of the soap :lol:
And, nope...I'm not telling exactly how many, but it's more than 5
I limit myself to 2. We haven't got much room in the shower and the rest of the household complains when soaps keep falling off the edges. I am slowly making my way through my soaps and cut myself a lot of guest size bars, so none of them are in there for more than 1 month.

The advantage is, all my soaps are well cured by the time I use them in the shower.

Now when it comes to the bathroom sink and the kitchen sink - everything goes and there are always slivers, cuts and odd bars of everything....
1. Red ale bar soap
2. Goats milk peaches & Cream bar soap
3. Porter shampoo bar
4. Brown ale liquid shampoo (1st batch)
5. Brown ale liquid shampoo (4th batch)
6. Egg shampoo bar
7. Green tea liquid shampoo
8. Porter bar soap
And by the sink in the bathroom
9. Brown ale foaming hand soap
10. Brown ale liquid hand soap

All are made by me. After seeing this list am I making you nervous that some day I may sign up for one of the swaps? Be scared, it will happen soon.

carebear said:
I admit to a bit of OCD...

1 soap
1 shampoo
1 conditioner

Same here, I keep 2 bars of soap in the shower. One for my skin type and one for my husband's.
All are made by me. After seeing this list am I making you nervous that some day I may sign up for one of the swaps? Be scared, it will happen soon.


i triple dog dare ya!!!!!, i think the canadian swap is still open.
I have only 2 right now. One of mine and 1 from greenman (which I am loving!) I just moved and the shower is different from my old place and not condusive to a lot of caddies! So sad. :cry: I used to have over 10 at a time, more if I am testing.
You guys crack me up!

I haven't started making soap yet and I am already having to plan where to store all the bars I know I will harbor in the shower. Currently, I have one. I lose! :(
ive got soooo many...most started out as separate bars but when they get small i smoooosh them together lol... theres no telling how many bars are in my shower
I don't have any cause i just cleaned out my shower. i had lots 10?
but just like ian, i stick mine together. But i have enough soap i can afford that. the benefit of making soap: you could use a new bar of soap each day and it wouldn't increase your bills. but it would be a waste lol :lol:
i've got three in the shower, as well as two by the bathroom sink, and two at the kitchen sink. i keep wanting to open more for the shower, but then i tell myself three is plenty at once...obviously i'm wrong, though :wink:

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