Hello From Michigan :D

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Active Member
Mar 27, 2013
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Just got back into soap making. I use to make a lot of M&P soap then got into CP. I've been curios to see how it will go if I tried HP >.< . Hopefully it comes out good :) I have no idea how I went on without finding this site. I've learned a lot just by reading some post. I can't wait to learn more and show you guys how it goes.:wink:
Welcome back to soapmaking mona and to our group! I just do strictly cp but know there are alot that do hp here.
Welcome to the forum and to the wonderful addiction of soap making! Looking forward to seeing your soap porn ;-)
Thank you guys so much :) So I made Cp 2 nights ago and unmolded yesterday .I think soap was too soft because it got a bit stuck to the mold :/ But it looks amazing and smell so good! Will post pictures later today :p