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I've been wanting one but have been putting it off, mainly because of price, but also because I'm trying to scale back a bit. That said, though, I'm still lusting for one.
I’d probably give a body part for a Silverson… Dynamic makes a well-reputed homogenizer (you probably know this, already) that is more expensive in Canada, but reasonably priced in the US. If this one doesn’t work out for me, I’m definitely going to the US to buy one. The price difference covers the trip…
Welcome! Skincare is equally addictive to soaping. I make all the mistakes, you will never be alone there. 😁
It’s so gratifying when a formula works… But I learn far more from my mistakes than I do successes. I’m cost-conscious so failed products get “fixed” whenever possible for home use. Figuring out soap is what really intimidates me.

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