Those are some certainly some lovely soaps and you aren't the first person to have a question about them. As I was browsing the website I saw this soap and remembered seeing the same pic on this forum a while back:
I'll go searching for the link in just a minute...I think it was a question about the "honey" in the soap and was resolved with the answer that it was most likely a combo of CP and M&P, but I can't really remember.
Personally I don't have an issue with CP vs M&P. They both have their place in the soaping world.
What I do take issue with are the claims of "all natural/synthetic-free" and ..."the finest Pure Essential Oils (40+ flavors)" on the home page.
And like JudyMoody mentioned, I've yet to find a Coconut EO, nor have I ever seen a Chocolate EO...but she has soaps with these scents!? And I paid $40 for a 2oz bottle of Vetiver EO (for my own personal use), so she's seriously cutting into her profit margin if she actually uses this EO as she claims in this soap:
Granted, she sells in volume, so I guess it might be feasible. But after looking over her website, I've gotta admit I'm kind of doubtful.
And BTW, don't get me wrong; I use both EO's and FO's. Sometimes I just want a particular scent, and if it doesn't occur in nature, I'm perfectly fine with using an FO! But I certainly don't represent myself as making "all-natural, synthetic-free" products. JMHO, but there's a market for all of us without fudging on the details