Envious, jealous & (a little) frustrated.

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So has it been determined if they use any FO's? I saw she had a coconut soap, is there a coconut eo? Also, I have to wonder how she gets some of her colors so bright...like the bright pink with out using a colorant.
Remember, she uses "plant based pigments"

Maybe if my morals let me I could mislead the public and have a store like her. I really wished I lived closer. I would love to be able to go there in person.
So has it been determined if they use any FO's? I saw she had a coconut soap, is there a coconut eo? Also, I have to wonder how she gets some of her colors so bright...like the bright pink with out using a colorant.

According to the salesgirl, they used to just do plant colorants, they have added ultramarine blue and pink, and she thought micas also. That would make more sense.
If they have added artificial ingredients, they need to update the wording on their website. I have SUCH strong feelings about honesty in labeling, and this sort of thing really gets to me!
Could someone that lives in the area just go ask? I'm sure everyone here would like to know. I know I do.
I was looking at this soap http://www.soaptopia.com/inc/sdetail/132/23487 and this one http://www.soaptopia.com/inc/sdetail/132/512 and I would love to know how to get the bright red swirl in this http://www.soaptopia.com/inc/sdetail/132/510 by only using plant based colors. I dont see micas or oxides listed anywhere on their web site.

The green could be plant based but I doubt it since they have a tendency to fade or morph over time. I would never sell a vividly colored soap I know is going to turn a nasty shade of brown in a few months (or the moment it's exposed to direct sunlight as has happened with every botanical green I've tried). I could see a deep reddish pink being natural with clays and infusions but seeing the artificial hot pinks on the same website, I would wager oxides and micas instead. The transparent red swirl is a M&P soap curl embedded in the loaf. I'm a cynic, but I believe any soaper who really does use botanical colorants would list them, they have fantastic label appeal and most consumers appreciate full disclosure.

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When I took the soaping class a few years back she still used all plant based colorants. She suggested playing with clays, flowers and spices for color.

I met her when she first started her company (I don't know her well or anything like that) in the early 2000s. She started with a lot of farmers markets and shows. She gave me my first bar of handmade soap and started this crazy addiction. Now her soaps are in all of the west coast Whole Foods stores.

I'd be envious of her too, she has a beautiful shop and a huge following.
Those are some certainly some lovely soaps and you aren't the first person to have a question about them. As I was browsing the website I saw this soap and remembered seeing the same pic on this forum a while back:
I'll go searching for the link in just a minute...I think it was a question about the "honey" in the soap and was resolved with the answer that it was most likely a combo of CP and M&P, but I can't really remember.
Personally I don't have an issue with CP vs M&P. They both have their place in the soaping world.
What I do take issue with are the claims of "all natural/synthetic-free" and ..."the finest Pure Essential Oils (40+ flavors)" on the home page.
And like JudyMoody mentioned, I've yet to find a Coconut EO, nor have I ever seen a Chocolate EO...but she has soaps with these scents!? And I paid $40 for a 2oz bottle of Vetiver EO (for my own personal use), so she's seriously cutting into her profit margin if she actually uses this EO as she claims in this soap:
Granted, she sells in volume, so I guess it might be feasible. But after looking over her website, I've gotta admit I'm kind of doubtful.
And BTW, don't get me wrong; I use both EO's and FO's. Sometimes I just want a particular scent, and if it doesn't occur in nature, I'm perfectly fine with using an FO! But I certainly don't represent myself as making "all-natural, synthetic-free" products. JMHO, but there's a market for all of us without fudging on the details :)
And that is one of my favorites because the scent of natural honey is so present! I just made my first honey soap yesterday and it doesn't smell of honey. At.all.

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Girl, I'll be glad to send you a bar of my "Honey Bee" soap! I use Peak's Wild Mountain Honey FO and (to me, anyway) it smells just like my uncle's honey from his apiary in North Georgia...he loves it too and agrees that it smells almost exactly like his bees' honey!
This FO is super-strong...I actually use less of it than other FO's because it will knock your socks off!!
PM me if you want a bar :)
And YES, I DO use my uncle's honey in my recipe...gotta have that "home" connection :)
Girl, I'll be glad to send you a bar of my "Honey Bee" soap! I use Peak's Wild Mountain Honey FO and (to me, anyway) it smells just like my uncle's honey from his apiary in North Georgia...he loves it too and agrees that it smells almost exactly like his bees' honey!
This FO is super-strong...I actually use less of it than other FO's because it will knock your socks off!!
PM me if you want a bar :)

Thank you!!! That's such great info I'll definitely be ordering some of that! Very nice of you to offer me a bar of soap! Now to figure out how to message.. Haha..

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i have read all of this and must say it is interesting , right down to every dotted " i " and every crossed " t " . i myself gravitated to the (that) soap in wanting to make something combining CP and translucent soap. As of now my mind is going in my own direction and where is goes will surely be in the direction of a soap i can be proud to call my own.
I dont understand how she can sell at wholefoods. If she is using fo's like the coconut or the chocolate and if she is using red dyes in some on them...well that is strictly prohibited if you want to be a vendor at whole foods.

Something does not compute...
I've seen plenty of M&P with obviously artificial colors and scents at my local Whole Foods, whatever their rules are supposed to be.
TV, I sent you a message:) Just reply with your address and I'll send you some soap.

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