Ok, so today I’ve succeed to reach my responsible person, and I finally know his requirements for soaping kitchen.
Is that in DE? From the gesundheits Amt?
Ok, so today I’ve succeed to reach my responsible person, and I finally know his requirements for soaping kitchen.
That is a good idea to do. But if they are so protective about any information like here in DE… That so odd I have to tell. Well I may understand why, as it is so much work to achieve, but on the other hand even with full info in hand not all people will decide to go through that process.
The best idea, if I could give any advises, is to call any Lebensmittelamt in area, and just ask if they are the one to contact. They will lead you further to your responsible person. I already can start with my kitchen redecoration, my SA is nearly done, I still need to contact Bauamt to ask if we need to change officially the purpose of using our cellar kitchen as working place, and Gemaideamt - our community authority to ask them if they don’t mind my having business set in my house…
I use Chrome on my other laptop, so will have a look later. Again, looking through the pdf nothing jumped out that says it cannot be the usual kitchen in theory.
Noooo! Say it isn't so, Lindy! It took me forever to register my recipes and make sure my labelling was compliant. If I have to have my house inspected too, I just won't make soap anymore.