Distilled water

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I know there are going to be those who oppose my opinion, but I have used it all and found no difference. We have well water, high in iron, I've used Distilled, spring, christened, not really, and there has been no better or worse results from my soaping.
I, too, have well water. I use the filtered stuff from my fridge without any problem. Just happy there is no chlorine.
I used distilled but ran out a coupla times and just used tap water. To be honest I didn't see any difference. And yet, I still buy distilled water because I enjoy throwing my money away.
LJA said:
I used distilled but ran out a coupla times and just used tap water. To be honest I didn't see any difference. And yet, I still buy distilled water because I enjoy throwing my money away.

LOL. Same.
I used tap water before and had no issues, but I recently boiled some tap water for ages and chilled it in the fridge. I've been using it in my lotions, cheesemaking and soap!
We have craptastic city water (sometimes you can really smell the chemicals in it) which is why I always use distilled water. I tried using it filtered from my fridge, but it was doing funky things in my soap....after a few months my soaps were completely yellow. It wasn't rancidity or DOS either, no bad smell, just ugly yellow. I stopped using tap water, and voila, problem solved.
I used distilled water. It costs me 50 cents a gallon and since I only soap in 4# and under batches seems to last long enough.

When we moved into our home 17 years ago I loved to drink the town water. Then several years back we had an e coli problem and the water dept changed the water forumulation. I personally, can't drink it anymore as it just doesn't taste right to me. I buy bottled (though I hate having to pay for it) and even though noone is eating or drinking my soap (or at least I hope not!) I can't bring myself to use it out of the faucet.

I have two 1.5 litre water bottles that I keep in the fridge, at the end of the day I pour any water that is left in my kettle that has been boiled and cooled down, into these bottles, and this is what I use for soaping.
Our tap water is usually pretty good but just recently I have detected a faint chemical -ly smell, so I am using boiled.
DH rigged up a thing to collect distilled and filtered water from the condenser thing, Major PIA - now I use tap for soap and buy Distilled for lotion.
I buy Mineral Spring water.....and then I found out that they may be just bottling ordinary tap water, so I'm going to to do a small batch with tap water and see how it turns out.

Hi everyone! I just joined today, and I am awaiting my supplies to make my very first batch of soap ever! I had a question for those of you who cannot tell the difference between soap made from distilled, and soap made from tap water.

When you add the water to the lye, it heats up right? Would the heat burn off any nasties in the water? Or is that just wishful thinking?

The reason I'm asking is that I really don't like our tap water here. I usually use a brita water filter to get rid of some of the ick for drinking, but for everything else I just use the tap water.

Thanks in advance! I have already learned so much from this forum, and I look forward to learning much more :)

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