December 2022 Un-Challenge: (No more) New Year's Resolutions

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I'm knocking things off my list:
First bastille soap using ZNSB recipe. I made it right after dinner tonight. But here's where other items on my list come in to play and things get very interesting. In the last couple years of soapmaking, I have yet to make and actually cut a loaf of soap! So....
Rather than wait for my new silicone loaf mold to arrive, I decided to cut a graham cracker box in half and figure out how to line it with parchment paper, stabilize, and insulate it in a shoe box! It's saponifying now and I'll get to cut it tomorrow!
I'm knocking things off my list:
First bastille soap using ZNSB recipe. I made it right after dinner tonight. But here's where other items on my list come in to play and things get very interesting. In the last couple years of soapmaking, I have yet to make and actually cut a loaf of soap! So....
Rather than wait for my new silicone loaf mold to arrive, I decided to cut a graham cracker box in half and figure out how to line it with parchment paper, stabilize, and insulate it in a shoe box! It's saponifying now and I'll get to cut it tomorrow!
Yay! 2 new experiences at once. Be sure to cut ZNSB in time, because it can get hard pretty fastšŸ˜‰
Yay! 2 new experiences at once. Be sure to cut ZNSB in time, because it can get hard pretty fastšŸ˜‰
Wow, you're not joking! I couldn't help myself and opened the box to peek this morning because the blanket wasn't warm anymore. I unmolded and cut at 12hrs! Next time I'll check at 10hrs because putting a knife through it definitely showed that a wire wouldn't have worked.

Ticked off three items on my list!
1. Made ZNSB which I will definitely make again. I always thought soap so high in OO was too soft. Not this one!
2. Made my first loaf soap!
3. Hand cut soap for the first time.
Not the prettiest, but a good first time experience. I attempted beveling the edges of a couple bars with a veggie peeler but found I like them unbeveled better. I also cut the skinny end piece in half for a couple of test bars.


Interesting to note: Out of curiosity, I tested right after cutting and my pH paper was green at 12 hours! So, of course I had to test the lather on one of my small tester bars. šŸ˜


I didn't feel any overly squeaky clean tightness or slime of any kind.
@Servant4Christ I think you knocked this unchallenge right out of the park! All those things ticked off your list, AND great lather. Wowsers!

A little note about pH testing: it won't tell you whether your soap is lye-heavy, and the pH papers are notoriously a few points lower than the true pH. A quick zap-test is probably a better indicator of whether the soap is safe to start testing. Or, live dangerously like me and just wash with it. ;)
@Servant4Christ I think you knocked this unchallenge right out of the park! All those things ticked off your list, AND great lather. Wowsers!

A little note about pH testing: it won't tell you whether your soap is lye-heavy, and the pH papers are notoriously a few points lower than the true pH. A quick zap-test is probably a better indicator of whether the soap is safe to start testing. Or, live dangerously like me and just wash with it. ;)
Thanks. I didn't know that about the pH paper. I just test and don't touch it if it's blue and it's always turned green within 24hrs.
Very interesting info. (I've actually read a LOT on that site and found it incredibly accessible and helpful.) Ok, I just went and did it. It didn't zap. Just tastes like soap. I keep picturing Ralphie with soap in his mouth in The Christmas Story.
Un-challenge accepted! šŸ˜‚
I made a kaleidoscope soap and cut it today. I picked up a pull through tool set at Walmart online for under $15 and lined a Pringles can. I was inspired by our resident master of pull through soaps, @TashaBird, and also used bolder colors like she does. You do amazing work, @TashaBird, thanks for the inspiration and sharing your knowledge šŸ„°
I didnā€™t get quite the contrast I wanted with the pink and orange, but still pretty cool for a first try. I used BB Fired Up Fuchsia colorant, Yellow oxide pigment, Ultramarine blue pigment and Tangerine Wow colorant, and alternated the pour in that order from my funnel pitchers down the rod of the tool. Scent is BB Coconut Citrus Sorbet FO. I canā€™t wait to do this again with a different pattern from the tool set. šŸŒø
Un-challenge accepted! šŸ˜‚
I made a kaleidoscope soap and cut it today. I picked up a pull through tool set at Walmart online for under $15 and lined a Pringles can. I was inspired by our resident master of pull through soaps, @TashaBird, and also used bolder colors like she does. You do amazing work, @TashaBird, thanks for the inspiration and sharing your knowledge šŸ„°
I didnā€™t get quite the contrast I wanted with the pink and orange, but still pretty cool for a first try. I used BB Fired Up Fuchsia colorant, Yellow oxide pigment, Ultramarine blue pigment and Tangerine Wow colorant, and alternated the pour in that order from my funnel pitchers down the rod of the tool. Scent is BB Coconut Citrus Sorbet FO. I canā€™t wait to do this again with a different pattern from the tool set. šŸŒø
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Wow! Great job! These look awesome!
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(Please copy & paste the list into a new post, then add your name along with the next appropriate number.)

1. AliOop - Now to decide which one to make! I have a long list :)
2. Catscankim - This is one I will definitely get around to
3. Marsi - Inspiration needed ... must watch soaping video's šŸ˜…
4. Mx5inpenn - but I have no clue which one!!
5. dmcgee5034 - sooo many options šŸŒø
6. Mobjack - I have a plan and enough time to give it a try if the deadline is the end of the month.
7. melonpan - feeling encouraged by the "try them all" suggestion!
8- lidiacgarcia- please don't expect anything fancy/pretty! ZNSC- need to cross it off my to-do list šŸ˜
9. basti - I've been too busy to make any CP this past month but I think I can finally steal some time for myself! Let's GO! šŸ”„
10. Servant4Christ- This could be just the kick in the pants I need to push past my fear of a soaptastrophy.
11. CreativeWeirdo - I'm making it anyway! Might as well make myself accountable for it!
12. rcreger - Clean out the dozens of sample FO's that I've been hanging onto.
Un-challenge accepted! šŸ˜‚
I made a kaleidoscope soap and cut it today. I picked up a pull through tool set at Walmart online for under $15 and lined a Pringles can. I was inspired by our resident master of pull through soaps, @TashaBird, and also used bolder colors like she does. You do amazing work, @TashaBird, thanks for the inspiration and sharing your knowledge šŸ„°
I didnā€™t get quite the contrast I wanted with the pink and orange, but still pretty cool for a first try. I used BB Fired Up Fuchsia colorant, Yellow oxide pigment, Ultramarine blue pigment and Tangerine Wow colorant, and alternated the pour in that order from my funnel pitchers down the rod of the tool. Scent is BB Coconut Citrus Sorbet FO. I canā€™t wait to do this again with a different pattern from the tool set. šŸŒø
View attachment 70131View attachment 70132
I've been looking at these on Amazon and trying to figure out how on earth to use it! Is there a tutorial or a YouTube video on how to use it? Can I ask what section/area you found it in Walmart? Those are beautiful! And I just happen to have 3 Pringles cans under the Christmas tree. šŸ˜
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My first swirl! I'm assuming the speckles are from the cocoa that I sifted right over the batter and hand stirred in. I used ZNSB recipe again, but used sweet almond oil in place of the olive. I ran out of almond and had to sub with 20g of olive (550g batch). I also added honey. Not sure I added it correctly, but I added it to the warm oils and stick blended it so it would be evenly dispersed and suspended when I poured in the lye salt water. My thought was to warm the lye but not scorch the honey. Maybe that's where the speckles came from? šŸ¤”

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