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@mommycarlson I've only made soap dough once so I'm everything but an expert, but I just made one of my own recipes and let it cure without any airflow and it worked out fine (used some of the leftovers recently, more than 1 year after making it). I suspect the process of saponification without airflow is the most important part of making soap dough so the water doesn't evaporate and the soap stays pliable (Or maybe I was just lucky with my recipe)
After making soap obsessively for 9 months, I feel like the list of things I want to try is kind of short. I don’t have the guts to try a rimmed soap after following that recent challenge and I don’t think I’m artistic enough to do anything with soap dough. I’m thinking maybe a soap with piped elements on top, or a soap that looks marbled, with the gold mica I just ordered, or I could jury-rig a divider for my mold and try a Taiwan swirl or a secret swirl. Okay, I’m getting inspired now :)
After making soap obsessively for 9 months, I feel like the list of things I want to try is kind of short. I don’t have the guts to try a rimmed soap after following that recent challenge and I don’t think I’m artistic enough to do anything with soap dough. I’m thinking maybe a soap with piped elements on top, or a soap that looks marbled, with the gold mica I just ordered, or I could jury-rig a divider for my mold and try a Taiwan swirl or a secret swirl. Okay, I’m getting inspired now :)
Soap dough can be so much fun, though, and doesn't have to be complicated. Just as a for instance, here's a soap dough soap I made that was VERY popular at my market (the fragrance helped.... if I remember correctly, it had Nag Champa in it). I sold all the bars within a two-week period (9 bars). That's rare at this particular market. One of the buyers was another soap maker. The possibilities are endless!

So we go.

I was trying to make the Clay & Charcoal Soap by Kapia Mera Soap Company. I had a few...uh...issues. It started well enough, soap batter was perfect, colors were properly dispersed. First the Rose Clay, then the Kaolin Clay and oh crap...wrong container. Okay, I’ll make some more and add more Activated Charcoal. Go to add a smidgeon of AC...and I dumped a third of a brand new container in. No. No. No. Crap. Crap. Crap. Grab a spoon, no time, scrape into my hand. Ack! Gross! Wash hands. Wash hands. Wash hands. Stir the black, it has white specks, going to have to use the stock blender...gently, gently.

Okay, time to pour. Crapola...forgot the Fragrance Oil, dump in, stir, stir stir. Grab cutting mat to use as a divider...oh no...too long one way and too short the other. Okay, grab a paper plate, cut the middle out of it, hold onto it. Pour in some of the Rose Clay...little more than light trace, but still okay. Pickup the Activated Charcoal and OH’s turning into pudding. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Okay...we can do this. Dump some in...hold divider between thumbs and forefinger, grab mold with palms and smack, smack, smack, Shake some more in. Smack, smack, smack. Okay...why do I have more black than rose when I pored exactly the same amount? Doesn’t matter, pull out the divided and grab the white and...I don’t care, hold it up high enough and it should go in most of the way. Grab the tie thingy, bend it, bend it does it go again. Straight down, then something about figure-8s back and back and time, do something. Toss tie in in sink, smack, smack, smack. Spoon three rows...smack, smack, the swirl thing, cover, open the oven...damn, forget to heat it up. Okay, good enough, put in the garage.

NAILED IT! Not...LOL. But I’m not too unhappy and I will clean up the bars this weekend. I’ll try it again, but with a difference fragrance. Normally I’m a fan of Cherry-Almond, but this FO is really ‘sweet’...sticky sweet.

Oh no @TheGecko soapmaking can be so frustrating sometimes! But the end result is still really pretty. I know it's sometimes hard to love your own creation, especially when it has been giving you a hard time, but you can really be proud of this one! :thumbs:
Thank you everyone. As I said, I'm not too unhappy with how they turned out even with all the problems and how rough they look. Next time I will make a step-by-step checklist suggested by @Mobjack Bay so I don't forget anything. And I'll look at making a regular divider for my mold.
Thanks from me too. I want to make baby Yoda's. I am obsessed with baby Yoda from The Mandalorian show on Disney Plus


No. More. Baby. Yoda.

Everyday my husband, who is in his 40s, shows me pictures and memes and clips from the mandalorian, that he’s already watched with me in the room of that green baby.


It reminds me of girls going nuts over toys from when I was a kid. These are grown ass men talking and ooohing and ahhhing over a baby green alien.

It’s not even real.

If we end up with a plush green baby yoda... I....

I would rather have a green baby yoda soap. At least it will serve some purpose.

When you make them, post the pictures.
So we go.

I was trying to make the Clay & Charcoal Soap by Kapia Mera Soap Company. I had a few...uh...issues. It started well enough, soap batter was perfect, colors were properly dispersed. First the Rose Clay, then the Kaolin Clay and oh crap...wrong container. Okay, I’ll make some more and add more Activated Charcoal. Go to add a smidgeon of AC...and I dumped a third of a brand new container in. No. No. No. Crap. Crap. Crap. Grab a spoon, no time, scrape into my hand. Ack! Gross! Wash hands. Wash hands. Wash hands. Stir the black, it has white specks, going to have to use the stock blender...gently, gently.

Okay, time to pour. Crapola...forgot the Fragrance Oil, dump in, stir, stir stir. Grab cutting mat to use as a divider...oh no...too long one way and too short the other. Okay, grab a paper plate, cut the middle out of it, hold onto it. Pour in some of the Rose Clay...little more than light trace, but still okay. Pickup the Activated Charcoal and OH’s turning into pudding. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Okay...we can do this. Dump some in...hold divider between thumbs and forefinger, grab mold with palms and smack, smack, smack, Shake some more in. Smack, smack, smack. Okay...why do I have more black than rose when I pored exactly the same amount? Doesn’t matter, pull out the divided and grab the white and...I don’t care, hold it up high enough and it should go in most of the way. Grab the tie thingy, bend it, bend it does it go again. Straight down, then something about figure-8s back and back and time, do something. Toss tie in in sink, smack, smack, smack. Spoon three rows...smack, smack, the swirl thing, cover, open the oven...****, forget to heat it up. Okay, good enough, put in the garage.

NAILED IT! Not...LOL. But I’m not too unhappy and I will clean up the bars this weekend. I’ll try it again, but with a difference fragrance. Normally I’m a fan of Cherry-Almond, but this FO is really ‘sweet’...sticky sweet.
I feel your pain. I have these grand plans of how I'm going to do something and then as soon as I start it's like everything goes wrong. Forgot the color, added the wrong color, forgot to add fragrance, added the wrong fragrance, holy crap I just spilled soap everywhere, where is my mold divider? How did that slip out, how do I get it back out, oh good grief my soap is setting up like custard POUR IT NOW! AAAAHHHH!
And then I'm like well, at least it's soap.
First up for me and in the mold is beeswax in CP. Yep, all this time making soap and I've never tried it - I've been very intimidated by just the thought of it.
Ha! Me.too. How did it turn out? Maybe I'll copy you... or maybe I'll work on the technique for the January challenge (in which case I'll wait to share mine until Dec 31st). Or maybe I'll do both. If I find time to soap. Sigh.