Dark brown colorant

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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2012
Reaction score
Fort Myers Florida
Hi I was hoping to find a colorant to make a dark brown CP soap.
I didn't really want to use cocoa or coffee
Just wondered if anyone knows of something ?
Would like to achieve a rich color, maybe there is a clay ?

Thanks :grin:
The darkest clay I can think of is red illete clay, but it won't be chocolate brown. How about Brown oxide?
Otherwise cocoa or coffee is the best at getting soap brown.
Hi I was hoping to find a colorant to make a dark brown CP soap.
I didn't really want to use cocoa or coffee
Just wondered if anyone knows of something ?
Would like to achieve a rich color, maybe there is a clay ?

Thanks :grin:

What about baking chocolate? It makes a really dark soap. Also, you can buy brown oxide, but I haven't used it, so I'm not sure how dark it gets.
Brown oxide will give you a chocolate brown all the way down to a dark chocolate brown. Any darker than that and it will be looking blackish. it all depends on how much you add. play with it!
Where do you get Brown oxide ?
Does it stain clothes or skin ?
I've gotten mine at Bramble berry but any soap supplier will carry it usually. Its pretty cheap. Im not sure about it staining clothes but it definately doesnt stain skin :)
Wow....so many good ideas up above. I've also had success going back to kindergarten and mixing red and green oxides to get brown...then you can darken it down with some black oxide if you want. I will say, I've had great success with espresso like this. i actually had to lighten it to get the cream color.

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