CBD Soap?

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@Janewoc17 yep, there’s a real thrill in learning new things and soap making is such a huge subject. Clay gives a lovely slip to soap and great as a natural colorant too. Have you tried rose hydrosol to replace your “water phase” when making your cream? To me rose hydrosol is the closest I’ve smelt to the living rose flower, the smell of rose infused oil or rose tea is a pale imitation.
Oooohhh! I can never get enough rose aroma. Does the aroma from the hydrosol survive the process? I never tried it, since I thought it would be a waste. I have learned how to make hydrosols at home. How much clay does one add to a recipe?
@cmzaha how fascinating! New Zealand recently said no to recreational cannabis but has allowed its medical use. Unfortunately it’s made the medicinal side super expensive. I have a prescription for CBD, but I sourced the isolate from the USA, way cheaper, but illegal to do so. The things we do for our health :rolleyes: I would love to play around with THC in balms. It doesn’t surprise me your THC soap sold well, the power of suggestion aye 😁
I'm telling on you!! 🥴
N.B I voted yes in the referendum and I hate the stuff personally (for recreational use that is).
Oooohhh! I can never get enough rose aroma. Does the aroma from the hydrosol survive the process? I never tried it, since I thought it would be a waste. I have learned how to make hydrosols at home. How much clay does one add to a recipe?
Unfortunately the smell doesn't survive the moisturiser making process. I even infused my own rose petals into the oil I used and that didn't work either. 😞
I'm telling on you!! 🥴
N.B I voted yes in the referendum and I hate the stuff personally (for recreational use that is).
HaHa, yeah, the whole bloody referendum was a balls up. Medical cannabis is so expensive, I am using the CBD, which is non-psychoactive, the Doctor quoted $450 a month! At least if the referendum passed I could have tried growing my own. I was kind of expecting customs to turn up on my doorstep as it was US$600 worth, either to ask for GST or prosecute me. I probably could have gone to the Green Fairy, but I know the isolate I'm buying is 98% pure, I don't think the green fairy could tell me the constituents in their oil. I'm sure I'm not the only one bringing it into the country(it's illegal to import it yourself), even though I have a prescription, it still makes us criminals in the eyes of the law. 🙄
Yes, it's possible to make cold process soap using CBD oil. I know about a recipe, but it's different from yours. You'll need oils. It may be olive, coconut, or palm oil. Besides, ensure you have lye (sodium hydroxide), CBD oil and essential oils. The last one is optional. As for the CBD oil, find a reliable provider, such as Bulk CBD Distributors For The Best CBD Wholesale Supplier. Take safety precautions when handling lye, such as wearing gloves and protective eyewear. Keep in mind that it can cause serious burns if it comes into contact with skin.
I’ve found that making a simple balm or lotion works way better for sore muscles after workouts. At least it's better than just a soap.